The Black Lake

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Y/n Pov

It's been around 6 months since Severus and I became friends. We were basically tied to the waist, if anyone needed the other (which on most occasions were pretty rare) they always asked the other and they'd know where to find them.

I was walking to Charms class with Severus when I said "Hey Sev what do you think Flitwick is gonna think when he finds out we've stolen his firewhiskey from his cabinet." I had a smug look on my face, Severus and I would just sneak into the teachers lounge to steal alcohol whenever we ran out. "Sev?" He said. I had never called him that before, and by the looks of it nobody ever called him that. "Oh, sorry Severus if you don't want me to call you that just say so-" he stopped me before I could finish "No, I like it." He replied.

I smiled and we carried on walking towards class.


After Charms we headed to the Black Lake, we had a free period since it was a Friday. We normally hung out at the Black Lake, well on regular occasions when my brother never had us occupied by making us watch him practice Quidditch.

We sat down and started on our essay for potions. After a while of working I left Severus so I could go and get a snack. Bad Idea.

While I was gone, Potter and his gang got to Severus. They hung him on the top of our tree and threatened to pull his trousers down.

Severus Pov

As soon as y/n left I was attacked by that blasted Potter and his gang.
He hung me at the top of the tree and he was going to pull my trousers down Infront of everyone. "Looks like you don't have your little girlfriend to save you now Snivilus!" Said Sirius Black with a smug look on his face.

Y/n came back running towards us and casted 'Stupify' on that little shit. I was lowered down. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?! Why don't you just piss of and leave Severus and I alone you wankers!" Y/n screamed at them. If I'm being honest I'm glad she got there before they did anything,but it was embarrassing to have her save me all the time. I made a silent vow to myself that anytime she's in trouble I'll come running to save her no matter what the cost,she has saved me numerous times.

Y/n Pov

'The Marauders' ran away and Severus and I were left alone once again. "You alright Sevy." I said dusting of his robes. He looked at me with a questionable face, I'm sure it was the nickname I called him. I thought he was gonna blow when he said "Yeah I'm alright, thanks y/n/n."

I laughed at him, he called me the funniest thing ever. I secretly liked it but I wasn't gonna tell him that. "Ugh Sev that was worse than what I called you!" I said to him. "Well get used to it because now it shall stick with you forever." He managed to choke out through laughs.

He looks so perfect when he laughs.
I thought to myself.

Ok, maybe I had a little crush on him, but I wouldn't let it get the best of me, he meant the world to me, even in the little time we've got to know eachother. He now knows me better than anyone, my most trusted friend.

Time skip to the new school year
(I am well aware this is a big ass time skip 😂)

I'm in sixth year now, Severus is in his seventh and Charles has gone on to play for the Falcons Quidditch team. I'm proud of him, he always wanted to be a professional Quidditch player.

Severus and I were walking to the Black Lake when we caught The Marauders getting scolded by professor McGonagall, we had no idea what it was about but we had a good time laughing about it.

It was the weekend and like most times we spent it hanging out by the Black Lake. We smoked and drank alot more than normal, since I was trying to get over another break up, I don't want to loose my friendship with Severus so if I tell him I like him we'd never share the bond we do now ever again.

Severus Pov

Y/n and I spent the day drinking and smoking,much more than our usual. She is trying to get over another break up once again, I don't know why she keeps getting into relationships they never work out.

What she is not aware of is that I have liked her for a long while now but I don't want to spoil our relationship, if I tell her how I feel and she does not return the odd feelings I get for her our relationship will never be the same again.

We sat there and drank her sorrows away, I wouldn't normally be the one drinking because of another persons break up but we do everything together and I was not going to let y/n get drunk on her own. So like a logical friend.....we got wasted together.

Y/n Pov

There Severus and I sat, drunk as ever not knowing what the hell we were doing, at this point we were spitting out random facts and saying the dumbest shit we could of ever imagined.

We fell asleep....or maybe passed out; and in the morning we were found by none other than professor McGonagall, the same woman we laughed about scolding the Marauders.

Let's just say she was NOT happy and Severus and I got a month's worth of detention, nothing better than cleaning cauldrons and marking first year papers for a month.


Severus and I were heading to the Great Hall when Headmaster Dumbledore stopped us. He told us that we were to see him in his office straight after dinner and that there was a very serious matter waiting to be discussed.

Severus and I were almost shaking when we started heading to his office after dinner. We stopped at the gargoyle "Sherbet Lemon" I said, and the stairs started opening up.

We stepped on and were taken to the top, we entered Dumbledore's office to see him sitting behind his desk with a straight face looking up at us through his glasses, when I say there was no twinkle in his eye I mean there was NO sign of any twinkle in his eyes like normal. I was scared out of my robes.

Dumbledore Pov

As the two students stepped into my office I gestured for them to sit down.they took up the two seats that were infront of my desk.

"Do you two know why I have asked you to see me?" I ask. "No,sir." Y/n and Severus say in unison. "It has come to my attention that you both have been smoking and drinking underage." I say to them. I can just feel the tension in the room enlighten as I say those words. The two become as stiff as ever and I swear I saw a bead of sweat fall down mr Snapes forehead.

"Now I must say drinking and smoking is not permitted at Hogwarts, and what the right thing to do is to expell the both of you, and to send you of to the ministry to let them deal with you." I conclude, oh come on I have to have the slightest bit of fun with them.

I can see the fear striking from their faces and it looks as if they are about to go down on their knees to beg for forgiveness and not to be expelled. "Although I shall make an exception for the both of you, you two are very intelligent and well rounded students so you shall not be packing your things up today;but there will be consequences for your actions."

"Yes, sir we understand." Severus says, y/n on the other hand looks so relieved she can't even say a word.

"You will be permanently split up."


A/n: Wtf, is what I thought while writing this, but where is the fun in writing if there is no trouble, what will y/n do to salvage her friendship with her dear friend. Or what will Severus do to salvage their friendship. It could work like that or go a complete different way. Find out in the next chapter, coming out soon

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