All Ties Cut Off

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Y/n Pov

"Excuse me what?!" I say, Dumbledore can't just split two people up, we have classes together and we're even in the same house how would he even do that.

"I'm sorry miss y/l/n but it's the only other way, otherwise I will have to send you to the ministry, you both will have to take it along yourselves to not speak during the inside time of Hogwarts." Dumbledore says, I'm absolutely flabbergasted, Severus is literally like my only friend here in this wretched school.

Severus Pov

I am very upset by the fact y/n and I have to split, but it's the only other option.

"I will give you both the chance to say your goodbyes,and then you best be off to your dormitory, and NOT together." Dumbledore tells us, I'm sure y/n was expecting me to be more hurt, I definitely was but I swear to show no emotion, I hate when people pity me it's a sign of weakness.

"Goodbye y/n." I say

"What- just like that?" She says.
She runs up to me and hugs me tightly around the waist, the only person I have ever been hugged by was my mother so it was a bit of a shock. "Goodbye Sev." She says, I can feel a tear roll down her face and onto my shirt.

We separate and are dismissed by Dumbledore, we go our separate ways and I head back to my dorm.

Y/n Pov

I have never been so upset, Severus is my entire world, and now he has been taken away from me.

I sit down on my bed after having a shower, close my curtains and start my D.A.D.A essay. I'm still caught up on the whole spliting up thing but I try my best to get past the fact, you can't really change the past.

Time Skip to 1 week later

It's been a week since Sev and I had to split up, he hasn't said a word to me. I can see in his eyes that he hasn't gotten much sleep either.
He's been icing me out, as if we had never even had a past. Well I mean you probably would expect it since we are not even supposed to talk to one another,but it's like we never even knew eachother. All the ties had been cut off.

I miss him terribly, and I'm not sure if he feels the same. I was walking to the Great Hall. I saw Severus sitting down on one end of the table, he was on his own again, I also sat alone since we stopped talking. I had finally decided that enough was enough; he wouldn't even pick up his spoon and he was getting skinnier by the day, I was worried.

I went up and sat down next to him, he watched me dish some potatoes onto his plate. "Eat, Severus." I said while still dishing his food. "Your not supposed to talk to me y/n." He says, completely ignoring what I said to him. "Yes I understand that but you haven't been eating and by the looks of it, not sleeping much either." "Can you just leave me alone? I don't need you to look after me your not my mother." He said, with a bit of a bite.

I was shocked by the way he talked to me, this was so unlike him. "Severus what's wrong I don't understand-" he cut me of "Exactly,you never understand anything, you can't even follow simple rules, it's pathetic of you, don't you understand that I don't even want to see you nor even look at you?!" He shouts at me while standing up.

I stood up aswell to fight back, give him a piece of my mind, but he gave me a deadly look and he left the Great Hall. All eyes were on me and it was so embarrassing, all I wanted was to help my best friend-, well ex-best friend now.

I hate him, why does he always have to make a scene. I packed up my stuff and left the Great Hall, I ran to my dorm, locked myself in and cried myself to sleep, I never went to the rest of my classes that day.

People definitely noticed, but I couldn't care less.
Severus and I never even shared a look to eachother ever again.
I absolutely despised him, I felt so silly for even liking him.

Severus left Hogwarts the next year and I never heard from him again, I pushed through my last year at Hogwarts and also left. I became a writer, and it worked quite well, I had a bestselling book within four-five years, but after that everything went downhill.

I never made another bestseller and I was on the verge of bankruptcy, I was struggling to pay my bills.
Untill one day I got a letter.

Dear Y/n Y/l/n

I am pleased to inform you that there has been a position that has come up within Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. A position as the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor is currently available, I as Albus Dumbledore thought you would fit it best, you were always so bright in the subject, I could not think of anyone better. Although I am aware you are an author now and have a bestseller book so if you want to turn down the position I completely understand. Please reach out to me within the next month to inform me of your decision.

Sincerely Albus Dumbledore

I was over the moon! Of course I would except the job, I get to have a place in my old school and live technically rent free! Plus I get to teach the subject I was best at, things could never go wrong from here can it?

With two weeks of proper thinking I sent Dumbledore my response and acception of the job.


A/n: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, let me know in the comments if you have any ideas or scenarios you might want me to put in the story.

(And of course we had to have dumblewhore playing Cupid 😃)

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