The meeting of fated rivals: part 11

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Gasper started explaining the story of how he met Xavier over a few drinks and he and Jena began to get tipsy.

"So, I was run down, demoralized and felt like doing nothing else, but lay back and relax. I mean how the hell am I supposed to find a once in a millennia-reoccurring eye and only one side of it for that matter. I found the closest bar I could find in order to drown my sorrows and here comes this little kid thinking he's so slick, trying to steal my charms. At this point I had already met a bunch of really cruel people, I didn't give much of a damn about this kid so, I grabbed him, flipped him over and threw my knife straight at his head. Now I was looking to really get him alright, right between the eyes. He should've been done for but then he gets out of the way with these super quick reflexes and I'm thinking to myself, 'damn, this kid actually has some skill. Ah well, not what I'm looking for anyway,' I go back to get my drink and hear the kid still blabbering shit to me. So I go, 'ah well looks like I'm not going to enjoy myself after all,' I turn to talk to the kid and as soon as I looked at him the damn thing was right there," Gasper explained.

Gasper and Jena took one drink after the other and talked through the night. The two got drunk and started slurring their words, "Then Jefrey comes in throu my dor with this wheird walk and goez, 'miss Jena don ask how but I've got a fiftheen hinch wand shtuck up my ass,' now I'm perplexed like wha in the hell do you wan me to do bout it," Jena said.

Xavier and Sally were still sober and puzzled by what they both saw, "I've never seen miss Jena act like this," Sally said. "You can say that again. Anyway, while they're enjoying themselves why don't we go out for a little stroll. There's something I want to show you. Christa, would you keep an eye on them for me?" Xavier said. "Like a hawk," Christa said.

Xavier took Sally to a small forest at the end of town. "A forest, kidnapping me now, are you?" Sally said. "Hold my hand?" Xavier replied. "Whoa hey I never meant I was scared when I said that," Sally said. Xavier held out his hand and said, "are you taking it or not?" Sally rolled her eyes and took his hand. The two entered the forest, "where are you taking me?" Sally asked. "You'll see," Xavier replied.

The forest cleared, there was a wide grass field and at the end was the edge of a cliff. A gentle breeze swept through the air as Xavier brought Sally towards the edge. The moonlight reflected off the waters as the gentle waves hit the rocks below. Sally drowned herself in the moment, "It's so pretty here, how did you come across this place." "The reason for finding this place may not come off as beautiful as the place itself," Xavier said as he stepped away from the edge and looked down.

Sally slowly walked towards Xavier, grabbed him by the hands and looked him in the eye. "It's okay, you can tell me about it," Sally said.

"Growing up I don't quite remember having any parents. Even now when I think about it the memory is still Vague. The old folk probably left me out to rot as soon as I was born. The only memory I have of someone taking care of me was this one really Generous woman. I had no clue as to why she'd take me in or treat me as though I were her own and I never questioned it either. I was just enjoying life as easy as it came. She'd read me these bed time stories about powerful sorcerers who would use magic to help and protect people and I wanted to be exactly like them. My severe lack of mana made it seem like a far-fetched dream but she said if I worked harder than everyone else regardless of my condition, I could be one too and I always hanged on to that thought. She was always such an enthusiastic person. The only time I saw her with a frown on her face was the day we separated. She seemed off, in distress and alarmed. She told me she loved me and would take care of me if she could but unfortunately for her, her past was catching up to her. She gave me a strange compass looking item and told me to run away as far as I could and when the time was right, to break it and it would teleport me to a random location. I did exactly just that and I never saw her again. I appeared in this town, fending for myself by stealing and scrounging for as little as I could get. For the life I lead, a little went a long way. I Still held on to the thought of becoming a sorcerer but competing against people who were able to use magic felt like the world was against me. I thought I'd compensate for my lack of magic by honing my physical abilities but no matter how hard I trained, I found myself being bested by nobodies that could use magic. At that point I just wanted to get it over with. When I stumbled upon this place, I planned to throw myself over the edge, but I was stopped by its breathtaking beauty. Perhaps life wasn't so bad after all, even if just for a brief moment. I could finally breathe." Xavier concluded.

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