The meeting of fated rivals: part 9

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This time Sally awoke due to the sensation of a tongue sliding across her face. “Ew, is that Xavier?” Sally murmured as she slowly awoke. As she got up, Yue was patiently waiting for her on a rock, seated with her legs crossed.

“Finally awake?” Yue asked. Sally still seated on the dark grass looked at Yue and the orb. “Where, where are the dogs?” Sally asked as she stood on both feet, rubbing her eyes and dusting herself off. “Right behind you,” Yue said.

As Sally turned around the sight that bestowed her eyes made her skin crawl and her eyes roll to the back of her skull. Cerberus stood right in front of her, at attention. “Oh, my” Sally said. “Cerberus, pledges his loyalties,” Yue said. Sally still shaken to the core said, “You’re telling me, that innocent little puppy is this?” Sally said.

“It’s quite the powerful animal and power is what you sought wasn’t it?” Yue asked. “Yeah, but I didn’t expect it would be, that, I mean. How did it get here?” Sally asked. “The orb stayed behind as you left, quite the useful tool. Cerberus here is from a universe where the very foundations of the world crumbled. The gods fell and so did Hades, the spell binding the dogs released. The dogs sought refuge in the spirit realm but lost each other and therefore they needed help finding each other. They’re composition has changed drastically being in the spirit realm you probably wouldn’t need to worry about them dying because the energy here will bring them back at the brink of death and heal them,” Yue explained.

“Really, the spirit realm can do that. What about my summons would they be able to heal that way?” Sally asked. “Your summons would need to get accustomed to the realm the same way the dogs did. The dogs are a special case though, I can’t be too certain,” Yue said. “But that’s why we have the orb. If there’s anything I can’t answer, it most definitely can. You should take a look at it if you wish to learn how to summon the hounds,” Yue said.

Sally peered into the orb and gave her all the necessary information.  After she had tested it, it was about time to continue her journey in the spirit realm. “Now that you have Cerberus, finding other summons will be a lot easier but first you would need the skillset to aid you on your excursions. Would you like me to help perfect your water techniques?” Yue asked. “I’d more than love to,” Sally replied.

Sally spent the rest of her time perfecting her water techniques. Only being denied further progress by a shout she had heard in the physical world. Particles began to take Sally away.

“I’m already waking up?” Sally asked. “It seems so,” Yue said. “I wonder what that shout was from earlier,” Sally said. “Could it be the crimson cursed one?” Yue asked. “Who, Christa? I don’t think so,” Sally said. “Wait how do you know Christa?” Sally asked. “Forgive me for intruding but I can see the physical world through the boy’s perspective using the orb,” Yue said. “What, just how much do you see?” Sally faded away before Yue could answer her question. “We shall discuss this when you get back,” Yue said.

Sally awoke to a hole in the wall and a missing Xavier. Gasper and Christa rushed through the door, “this isn’t what it looks like,” Gasper said. “To hell I know what it looks like. I asked you to train her, what in the actual hell is this!” Said a boiling Principal Jena. “Look I know I use this kind of excuse whenever things like this happen but hear me out,” Gasper said.

“Like this!” Principal Jena said. “No, not like this. This is the first time something like this, has happened,” Gasper tried to explain. “Oh, so it did happen!” Principal Jena said in a deep tone. “What? No, I mean. What are you even talking about?” Gasper asked. “You, red haired girl. How many times has this happened?” Principal Jena asked. “Uhm, what. There’s a first?” Christa panicked and stuttered under pressure.

MisfortuneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon