The meeting of fated rivals: part 2

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  Sally was reading her journal of beasts when she heard her window open. Xavier then emerged through it quite burned and bruised.

   “Xavier! You scared me, what the hell happened to you?” Sally exclaimed. “Long story,” Xavier replied. “How did you even know where I live?” Sally asked. “Good intuition I guess?” Xavier replied and let out a cough. “Ugh never mind you’re hurt, take that thing off and let me heal you,” Sally said.

   Xavier was in Sally’s room for a reason but in order to avoid suspicion he had to act natural. “Since when did you know how to use healing magic?” Xavier asked. “Well, when you have a handful of summons to look after, it really comes in handy to make sure they’re healthy,” Sally replied. “Ah, makes sense now,” Xavier said. Sally was intrigued by Xavier’s physique as she slowly moved her hands all across the vast contours of his body. She almost lost her head until Xavier spoke, “is everything okay?” he asked.

Sally came too and said, “oh, um yeah everything’s fine, although I think you might have a few broken ribs, you should probably get it checked out at the school infirmary tomorrow.” “Oh, and remember the dragon thing?” Xavier asked. “You broke the curse?” Sally replied. “Uh, wait you knew?” Xavier asked in slight confusion. 

  “Yeah, that’s why I said you wouldn’t need any particular Domini magic for that one,” Sally replied. “Uh well, what part of that curse involves a naked red-haired girl?” Xavier asked. Sally was astonished by that statement, “oh my- where is she? Did you rape her.” “What no why would I do that?” Xavier replied. Sally laughed and said, “don’t worry I’m just fucking with you. Where is she?”
Xavier got up, still holding his abdomen and headed for the window.

   Xavier erected the ground below high enough to reach the window. Xavier held her and carried her in. “I was able to gather some old rags to cover her up but she’s been unconscious ever since,” Xavier said. “Really? That’s interesting, these guys are usually quite resilient so how were you able to take her down for her to be unconscious this long?” Sally asked as she leaned over the girl for a closer inspection.

   “Well, let’s just say. She charged up an attack so strong it would’ve put me in the category of people who didn’t make it back, but it backfired and hit her instead,” Xavier replied. “Oh, her own attack. Makes sense I thought you had a secret power I didn’t know about,” Xavier looked around awkwardly at the sound of that statement, “what, me? Never.” Sally smiled in his direction and said, “anyways nothing a little water can’t fix,” sally got a glass of water that was on the night stand and spelt it on the unconscious girl.

  The girl came too and coughed. “That actually worked?” Xavier said. “You’d be surprised. Anyway, I think I’ve got a few clothes in the back that she can wear. I’ll be right back,” Sally said.

  The girl’s eyes locked onto Xavier as she was still shaking. “You. Freed me,” she said in soft soothing tones. “It’s okay, mind telling me your name, who you are, where you came from?” Xavier asked. “My name is Christa, as for where I’m from. I don’t know much, all I know now is that I must fulfil your obligations now,” Christa’s voice was soft spoken but her speech was trembling because she was still worn out from her fight with Xavier.

  Sally came back with clothes and another glass of water. “I think its best we just let her rest for now. Even for her, she clearly sustained quite the blow,” Sally said. “I understand that but I don’t understand why she’s obliged to me now,” Xavier said. “Never had a person submit to you before?” Sally asked with a smirk on her face. Xavier was at loss for words.

“Listen, Christa comes from a bloodline that was cursed by the second sorcerer supreme to forever take up the form of dragons. Only to return to human form once submitted by a human sorcerer and even then, they would not have a will of their own,” Sally explained. “Wait you know her name?” Xavier asked confused. Sally giggled and said, “I’m the one who sent you to find her silly and I’m domini so I just have to know this stuff.” Xavier then noticed a few wounds that were healed at the back of Sally’s thigh.

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