47| mobile game

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when hyunjin woke up, he thought that maybe today they will go do something that people actually do on honeymoon, but since felix was now laying under him after their second round, panting with sweat dripping from his body, that plan was pretty much dismissed.

"so, uhm...."
hyunjin started.
"what do you want to do today?"

"pfff what an amazing question mr. hwang. couldn't you have asked me that two hours ago before you decided to immobilize me for the rest of the day?"

hyunjin chuckled, giving felix a quick peck on his forehead, before he took off the condom, tied the end and threw it into the trash bin. he then took the wipes and started cleaning felix.
"you must be hungry. should we order room service so we wouldn't have to go downstairs?"

"yes please oh my god."

"what do you want to eat?"

"honestly I'm fine with everything. I feel like I could eat the whole earth right now."

"maybe we should have waited with this after the breakfast."

"oh go fuck yourself, you decided that it was a good idea to fuck in the morning."
felix rolled his eyes, pulling himself up and leaning his back against the headboard.

hyunjin made his way to the closet and took out some clothes for himself and felix.
"should I put the clothes on you?"

"hyunjin I don't think if you ever noticed, but I'm not a five year old child. that would be pedofilia. I can dress myself."

hyunjin rolled his eyes.
"do you always have to ruin the moment? also you're acting like I never dressed you up."

"alright mister hwang, if you want to put clothes on me so badly, you can do it."

"nah, I'm okay. put the clothes on yourself alone."
hyunjin said.

well, he still ended up putting the clothes on felix at the end.

"so, what do you want to do until the breakfast arrives?"
hyunjin asked, sitting next to felix.
"wanna watch a movie?"

"nah, not really. I'm sort of tired of always watching a movie. how about we played some mobile game together or something?"

"I don't really have any games on my phone, but I can download it I guess. what do you wanna play?"


hyunjin chuckled.
"and you're saying you're not a kid."

"oh shut up and download the app already."
felix rolled his eyes.

after few minutes, the app was finally downloaded, and felix was now helping hyunjin make up an account.

"so, what do you want your username to be?"
felix asked.

"i don't know, just hyunjin?"

"you can't have that one, someone else already has that username."

"then put more n's in the end."

felix started typing.
"you already have eight more n's behind it and it's still not available. it also looks weird."

"oh....so hwanghyunjin?"

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