32| meeting parents

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"we should talk about our wedding."
hyunjin said.

felix chocked on his food.

they were currently eating lunch, a take out more specifically, since felix craved it.

"what do you mean?"
Felix asked, his eyes a little wide.

"well, I feel like it's been a long time, and I want to marry you as soon as possible."

"hyunjin I didn't even meet your parents yet!"
felix yelled.

"hm, when you say it like that, we should definitely meet them for dinner today."

felix eyes widened.
"hyunjin are you even listening to yourself?!"

"yeah, I am. I mean, they already know about you. I told them that I have a fiancé the first day you moved in with me. they are so excited to meet you, and they would be thrilled if I told them we will come for dinner today."
hyunjin shrugged.

"hyunjin, it's not that easy! I mean, how am I even supposed to act? they are the big hwangs! like, what if they don't like me? what if I say something stupid and they will totally think I'm a total loser."
Felix started freaking out.

hyunjin placed his hand on top of Felix's, trying to calm him down.
"hey, they will not think that. I'm sure they will love you. you're just so easy to like that I'm not even worried about that."

Felix sighed.
"I don't know if I'm ready to meet them, hyunjin."
he said, looking down.

hyunjin started rubbing Felix's hand with his thumb.
"hey, don't worry. I will be there with you the entire time, and if you were uncomfortable, we can always leave. han brought his husband to their house once. if they liked him, then I'm more then sure that they will like you."
hyunjin chuckled.

felix looked at him, confused.
"why did mr. han bring his husband to your parents house?"

"we grew up together. our families are really close, and since Hans parents moved to Bali to spend their old years in a warm and sunny country, he has no one else here. my parents are basically his parents."
hyunjin shrugged.

"that's really sweet tho."
felix said, smiling a little.

"yeah, so don't worry, okay?"

felix looked at hyunjin, giving him a small smile.
"okay, I trust you."


felix was panicking.

it was almost five, and they promised they will be at their house by six.
it took about twenty minutes to drive to hyunjins parents house, and felix didn't have that much time left to choose his outfit.

he showered, brushed his teeth and his hair, while trying to figure out how to greet hyunjins parents, but he still didn't figure out what to wear.

felix yelled loud enough so that hyunjin would hear him downstairs.

few moments later, the door opened.
"what's wrong?"
hyunjin, who was already ready, asked.

"I have no idea what to wear. what if I make a bad first impression?"
Felix whined, looking trough his closet.

hyunjin chuckled.
"you don't have to wear anything fancy. look at me, simple shirt and jeans are okay. here, let me look."
he said, going to Felix and looking trough his closet.

after a while of looking, he found a really good pants.

"hell, these pants are fire. and I'm pretty sure I have a good shirt to match it. here."
hyunjin said, giving the pants to Felix and going to his side of the closet, opening it and looking for this specific shirt.

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