45| nice

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"leera texted me today."
felix whispered, leaning against hyunjins chest.

after they returned from the beach to their hotel, they decided to take a nice warm bath with bubbles together, because they were cold, and also really exhausted.

"really? what did she say?"
hyunjin asked, wrapping his hands around his husband.

"she invited us to her gender reveal party."

"really? she invited me too?"

"of course you dummy. you are my husband, and she likes you. when we had her and seungmin over the other day before our wedding, she told me that she's happy for me that I found myself a husband who cares about me so much."

hyunjin smiled, as he placed a loving kiss on the back of Felix's head.
"should we order a dinner to our room, so we wouldn't have to go downstairs?"

Felix nodded.
"that would be nice."

"what is my baby craving?"

"dino nuggies."

hyunjin chuckled.
"don't know if they have dino nuggies at a 5 star hotel, but don't worry, we will get you your nuggies no matter what."
he said, placing a kiss on Felix's shoulder.
"are you feeling okay?"

"never been better."
felix said, tilting his head back and resting it on hyunjins shoulder.
"what will you get for dinner?"

"don't know. we will see"
hyunjin said.
"should I clean you up?"

felix whined, snuggling closer to hyunjin.
"let's just stay here for a little longer."

hyunjin smiled, kissing Felix's forehead.
"alright baby. just relax, we will order our dinner when we get out."

felix nodded, satisfied with that answer.

after more then ten minutes, they decided to wash up and leave, since the water was getting a little cold.

hyunjin washed felix, before washing himself and he got up from the bathtub, before helping his husband.
"is my baby still craving dino nuggies?"
hyunjin asked, drying Felix's hair with a towel.

Felix nodded, pouting.

hyunjin smiled, placing a kiss on Felix's nose before taking his phone.
"so, good for you, they have dino nuggies. wanna something else with it too? like a milkshake, or some dessert?"

"do they have a strawberry shortcake?"

hyunjin nodded.
"want one?"

"I mean....it would be nice."
Felix whispered.

Hyunjin chuckled, placing a quick peck on his lips.
"you're cute. we have drinks in the fridge, so we don't have to worry about that."

"did you figure out what will you eat?"

"I'm thinking about a steak. I'm craving a nice juicy piece of meat."
hyunjin said, which made Felix chuckle.

"I could give you a nice juicy piece of ass."

hyunjin chocked on his saliva, while felix was laughing his ass off.
"felix....what the actual heck?"
hyunjin said, choking.

"oh cmon, just admit that im hilarious."

"yeah, very very hilarious."
hyunjin said, unimpressed, as he went to get some clothes for himself and felix.
"wanna wear my shirt?"

"yeah, sure."
felix said, a little louder so that hyunjin would hear him to the bedroom.

few moments later, hyunjin returned to the bathroom and gave Felix a shirt and some shorts.
"I took them from your suitcase, I hope that's okay."

"you're acting like you just casually robbed me. you just took a shorts from my suitcase to give them to me, relax."
felix chuckled, before putting the shirt and shorts on himself.

hyunjin went back to the bedroom and put some clothes there, and few moments later, Felix walked out, throwing himself on the bed.
"I'm so tired."
felix whined.

hyunjin chuckled, laying next to Felix and pulling him on top of himself, kissing his forehead.
"the dinner will be here soon, and after we eat it, we can go to sleep. what are we going to watch?"

"I don't know. you choose."

"mhm, how about we watched the maze runner?"

"the maze runner?"

"yeah, have you seen it?"

"no, not really. I mean, I was going to watch it someday. I just didn't have the time to."

"wanna watch it now?"

"yeah, sure. why not?"
felix said, just as someone knocked on the door.
"is it possible that it could be the food?"

"I don't know. I will go check it."

"no no no, it's okay, I will go there, you lay down."
felix said, giving hyunjin a quick peck on the lips and going to the door.

he opened it, and there stood a guy with a dining cart.

"hello, order for hwang hyunjin?"

felix looked at the dining cart, satisfied when he saw his dino nuggies there.
"yeah, thank you very much."
felix took the dining cart and closed the door, making his way to the bedroom.

"look hyunjin! there is my dino nuggies!"
felix said with a huge smile.

hyunjin smiled, looking at Felix with adoration.
how did he even get this lucky?
"should we put the movie on?"

felix nodded and hyunjin took the remote, putting on the maze runner, while felix prepared everything they needed to eat in bed.

just few moments later, they were eating their food, watching the movie.

felix yelled, when Thomas ran inside the maze to save Minho.

"he's going to save his friend."


"sweetheart, there are three movies, I'm pretty sure he won't die. were like fifteen minutes in. and also, I completely understand. bro is going there to save someone. if you were Minho, I would ran there too."

felix looked at hyunjin, giving him a small smile.
"I would go there too. at least we would die together, because I'm pretty sure we wouldn't make it out."

hyunjin chuckled, giving felix a kiss on a forehead.
"that would be a nice way to die."

yes, I know, shitty chapter, I deeply apologize 😭
anyway, I hope that you had a nice day pookies, and that you're doing good🩷

don't worry, next chapter will be better, I promise.
I didn't even know how to name this chapter bruh😭

anyway, love you my pooks💕

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