10| sorry

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"hello, you're seungmin, right? how is Felix doing?"
hyunjin asked when he reached seungmin.

seungmin saw red.
Felix was telling him all the time how this extra work their boss gave him was making him extremely exhausted and how anxious he was.
he hated seeing his best friend like this.
and the fact that the person who caused all of this was in front of him right now didn't make this situation any better.

"what are you even doing here? you don't know him personally. you should leave."
seungmin said, trying to keep his calm and not punch that guy straight in his beautiful face.

"he's my employee and he fainted during work hours. of course I need to be here."
hyunjin said, trying to cover the fact he was here because he was actually worried about the younger.

seungmin scoffed.
"you were the one who put so much pressure and work at him. he was always telling me how anxious and stressed he is and he was always skipping meals, because he needed to finish all of the work you were sending him. the only thing you should do is come here when he wakes up and apologize on your knees."
he said, not caring he was speaking with his boss like this.
he was too angry to realize the possible outcomes.

before hyunjin could defend himself, a nurse came inside the hallway, stopping the fight that was just about to happen.

"are you here for lee felix?" she asked the two boys.

"yes." both of the boys said at the same time.

"alright, are you his family member?"
the nurse said and she looked at seungmin.

"uhm...well....not really. but I am his best friend and the one who he was with when he fainted."
seungmin said.

"I'm sorry, but you have to wait outside, so I can say the important informations about mr. lees condition to this gentleman right here."
she said, pointing at hyunjin.

"what do you mean? you will tell HIM the informations about his condition, even tho he doesn't even know Felix personally, but you won't tell ME, who is his best friend and was with him when he fell unconscious?!"
seungmin said, really mad and confused.

"I'm sorry, but you have to wait outside. please, escort yourself there, so I won't have to call the security."

Seungmin scoffed at the irony and the audacity, before he gave hyunjin a dead glare and left the hall, mad.

"well, you are hwang hyunjin, right?"

"that's right."

"you're the one who wants to know the information about mr. lee's condition, right?"

hyunjin nodded.
"so, how is he?"

"well, it's pretty sure he fainted from the lack of food and sleep, his stress level was also really high. he could be overworking, or he's just going trough some hard time in his life right now. either way, he should wake up soon. it could be hour, few hours, or even a day, but it won't be that long, since it wasn't THAT serious. still, we will keep him here for few days, just to make sure he's okay and nothing happened that could damage his body or organs permanently, but that risk is really low. we will let you know about more information when we receive them."

hyunjin nodded.
"alright then. can I see him?"

"oh yeah, of course, but don't be loud."
the nurse said and hyunjin nodded, before he went inside the room Felix was at.

he opened the room and he saw Felix, on the bed, looking like he was peacefully sleeping, even tho hyunjin knew he wasn't.

a heart monitor was connected to him, showing his heartbeat and he had a oxygen mask, just for support.

at the exact moment, he felt the guilt rush to him.
it was weird, because he never felt like that.
he never felt guilty, but now, it was
he felt the guilt.

he sighed and moved the chair in the corner of the room to Felix's bed.

he sat on it, and for a while, he was just looking at Felix, the guilt eating him out.

he sighed.
"You know, lix, I will say something to you, because I'm 100% sure I won't be able to say it out loud when you wake up. you know, because of my ego and shit?
but the thing is....im really sorry that you had to go trough that. I thought it would be a good punishment, but it wasn't right to mess with your health, that was too far. god, you should have just tell me it was stressing you out, and it was too much, and nothing like this would ever happen. well, it's true that I'm really stubborn and maybe I would still continue just to....you know, rub it in your face, but i would be more cautious. maybe I would even stop. well, anyway, I'm really sorry I put you into this situation, and I hope that when you wake up, you will find it in your heart to forgive me, even tho I did a terrible thing. you, lee Felix, are one of the most interesting people I ever met, and I want to get to know you more, and keep getting surprised by the sides of you I will get to know. I want to keep you mine, forever. so forgive me when you wake up, because, honestly? life without you would be less interesting."

he gave Felix a small smile, even tho he couldn't see it, and he made himself comfortable in the chair, just staring at Felix.
he made it his mission to stay here until he wakes up.
the nurse said it could be an hour, maybe more, but hyunjin was ready to wait.

little did hyunjin know, that Felix heard him.
he heard all of the words hyunjin said.

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