14| back to work

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the rest of the week went by fast, and Felix was ready to go back to work.

hyunjin tried to protest, but felix stood his ground, and after a while, hyunjin surrendered, and now, the two boys were making their way to work.

"are you sure you feel like going back to work?"
hyunjin asked.

Felix sighed.
"hyunjin, we talked about this. yes, I feel 100% fine and I rested for a long time, and I can't wait to go back to work, don't worry."

"pfff, I'm not worried."

felix rolled his eyes.
"sure whatever makes you sleep at night."

the rest of the drive was filled with hyunjin asking felix the same question if he felt rested enough to go back to work, and felix always telling him he is.

after a while, they reached the garages.

hyunjin parked in his spot and got out, Felix mirroring his actions.

gosh, he was so excited to go back to work.
he missed his job.
he missed seungmin.
he missed those drinks the vending machines had.

felix happily stared walking inside the building, but hyunjin stopped him.
"should I walk you to your workplace?"

felix sighed.
"hyunjin, I'm fine, I won't fait, I'm well rested, and I feel amazing, okay? I know you're not worried, but stop worrying."
he said and gave hyunjin a small smile.

hyunjin frowned a little, before nodding and the two boys split their ways.

Felix happily jumped to the interns office, and smiled when he saw his friend sitting there.

felix yelled.

seungmins head immediately snapped to the direction of the voice, smiling when he saw his best friend making his way to him.

felix hugged seungmin.
normally, seungmin wasn't exactly a hugger, but he was so relieved and happy to see his best friend after a week of no contact.

"what happened to you, bro? I texted you, but you never replied. I was getting super worried, so I went to your flat, but they told me you moved away! what happened bro?"
seungmin said.

felix chuckled.
"yeah, I'm sorry about that. I moved to my...friends house about a month ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

seungmin sighed.
"it's okay, but tell me where it is, because I almost lost my shit when I couldn't reach you."

"yeah, I'm sorry."

felix pulled away from the hug and sat on his chair, taking his things out.
before he actually started doing his job, which he was so excited to do, he had to gossip with seungmin for about an hour.

they had a lot to catch up on, and Felix was NOT ready for the tea he heard from seungmin.

one of the employees turned out to be sleeping with her superior for higher position, and when hyunjin realized that, he fired both of them, and he shamed them in front of the whole company.
it was super embarrassing for the two culprits, and the whole company was scared when they saw how angry and upset hyunjin could be, and what he can do.

felix was listening to every story seungmin told him, and after they talked trough the most interesting and important parts Felix missed, they decided to go and actually start to work.


"he will be okay, stop being so worried."
han said, reading trough some documents.

hyunjin was walking around the room, mumbling something to himself, and it was starting to piss han off.

"I'm not worried han."
hyunjin said.

"yeah, sure you're not. he's certainly just talking with his friends and catching up. sit back and relax man."
han said and started reading the document again.

"but what if he faints ag-"

"hwang hyunjin, listen to me. he had a proper rest. he stayed home for a week, recovering, and I'm sure he's as healthy and full of energy as he should be. he won't faint and he will be okay. sit down, relax and do your job."
han said, rolling his eyes.
"besides, you can take him out for a lunch and make sure he eats."

hyunjins eyes widened.
"that's the only smart thing you ever said."

han scoffed.
"this bitch."

hyunjin took his phone and texted Felix.

apparently my owner:
I will take you out of a lunch,
don't go with your coworkers.

but i already promised them to go out
and eat together.

apparently my owner:
what are you having?

some noodles or something.

apparently my owner:
I will buy you tteokbokki.

deal. see you at the car?

apparently my owner:
12:30pm straight.

I'll be there.


"uhm, guys, I can't go on the lunch with you."


"seungmin, no, I just don't feel like eating noodles. just go without me, I will order something for me, I promise."
felix smiled.

"you sure?"
seungmin asked him, looking at him.

"yes. don't worry."
felix smiled.


at 12:30pm, hyunjin went to his car, where felix was already waiting.

"you have no idea how hard it was to get here. seungmin almost pulled me away by my ear."
felix said as he sat in the passenger seat, Hyunjin mirroring his actions and sitting in drives seat.

hyunjin chuckled.
"this seungmin guy is a really interesting person."

felix chuckled and nodded.
"yeah, he is. A lot of people don't really like him, because he's somehow unpredictable, but he's my best friend, and we clicked instantly when we met. I don't even know how many times people had asked me why I'm friends with seungmin."

hyunjin smiled.
"seungmin seems like he's important to you."

Felix rested his head on the headboard.
"yeah, he is."

for a while, there was a silence.
something that hyunjin learned about Felix was the fact that he hated silence.

he took his phone and gave it to Felix.

felix looked at him confused.
"why are you giving me your phone?"

"play whatever song you want. I know you don't like silence."

I hate this chapter I wanna kms, but I promised to update more😭

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