5| at work

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to say the way to work was awkward was an understatement.

Felix was sitting in the passenger seat, making himself look as small as possible.
to be honest, he did feel that way.

it was still a shock for him, and he couldn't wait to see his parents to cuss them out.
those bastards sold me for money.

the good thing was the fact the car rides weren't that long, so after few uncomfortable moments, hyunjin was parking his car at the garages.
"don't forget, no one can find out about our situation."

felix scoffed.
"trust me when I say that's exactly what I want. I wouldn't be able to face anyone if they knew. It would be so uncomfortable."

hyunjin didn't say anything and just got off the car, felix mirroring his actions.

"meet me exactly here at 5:20pm sharp. if you're not here by 5:20, I'm not waiting for you."

felix sighed and nodded, bowing before leaving to his work place, Hyunjin doing the same.

when felix arrived at his table, he sat down on his chair and scoffed when he remembered hyunjins behavior.
"hot and charming CEO, my ass. his brain is the size of a pea and his behavior is so....ugh. he can suck my-"

"hi felix, you look like you slept very well."
seungmin said sarcastically and sat to his table, right next to felix.

seungmin and felix became friends right after they found out they are going to be interns here, and to be honest, they clicked really quickly, even tho their personalities were different.
it's been a few months since felix and seungmin started "working" here. felix is a social butterfly, so he found friends really quickly. seungmin on the other hand, people thought he was scary. he always looked like he was plotting murder from afar.
so felix was his only friend.
that was enough for seungmin tho.

"there is just something that pisses me off. never mind, how are you?"

"bad. another fucking day of my unimportant existence."

felix whined.
"don't say that, you're important. you matter seungmin."

"you can kiss my ass with those sentences. let's just work." seungmin said, rolling his eyes, secretly liking the words that left Felix's mouth.

felix didn't take it personally, he knew seungmin wasn't really good at expressing his feelings or emotions.

as seungmin said, he turned on his computer and started doing his work.

meanwhile, hyunjin made his way to his office, where he was met with han already sitting at his table, doing his work.

"good morning quokka, what do you think about Mr. Choi project?"

"I know nothing about this, just send it to someone who's good at math and understands these things."

hyunjin sighed.
"send it to hwajoon then. well, how did you sleep?"

"very well mr. hwang, got absolutely railed last night." han said casually, without looking away from the papers.

"disgusting, didn't need to know this."
hyunjin said without emotion.
this was normal between them, but it sure didn't look normal to anyone else.

"you asked. but to be honest, I'm more interested in your situation."

"what do you mean?"

"don't give me this shit. how about felix? how is he taking this situation?"
han asked, actually really curious.

"I think he's still in shock from all of this, but he will be okay."

han sighed.
"my poor guy."

"didn't ask for you opinion. did you send the documents to hwajoon already? we need that calculation."

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