11| forgiveness

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felix was unconscious, but he could hear the sounds and voices around him.

he was practically awake, but not really, because as much as he tried, he couldn't open his eyes.
he couldn't move his body.
it wasn't listening to him.

it scared him a little honestly.
well, until he heard hyunjins voice.

felix was listening every single word hyunjin just said to him, and if he could control his body, he was sure as hell he would be blushing right now.

thank god his body wasn't listening to him at that moment.

he didn't hear hyunjin get up or leave the room, which meant he was still sitting next to him.

that thought made him feel things, even tho he wouldn't exactly admit that.

suddenly, he heard the door open.

a doctor? a nurse?
felix wasn't sure.

"now, mr. hwang, can you explain something to me?"

Felix recognized that voice.

"you're still here? I thought you left."
hyunjin said, a little annoyed.

Felix heard seungmin scoff.
"of course I didn't leave. my best friend is laying in this bed, unconscious. there is no way I would leave. I will stay here until he decides to wake up."
seungmin said.

hyunjin glared at seungmin.
"it's okay, you can leave. I will stay here."

seungmin returned the glare.
"mr hwang I'm pretty sure you have so much work on your plate right now, so if I were you, I would leave and finish it."

"I actually don't, I'm really free right now."

"nope, I'm pretty sure there is something
you have to-"

"mr. Kim, I won't be leaving until he wakes up, and that's my final answer. let's shut up right now. the nurse told me Felix needed to rest, and that I should be quiet, so, shut up and be quiet."
hyunjin said, quietly, yet deadly.

"that brings me to my question. how is it possible that they gave you the information about Felix's condition, but they didn't gave them to me? I'm his best friend and the person who was with him when he fainted, you're just his boss."

"I simply paid for it. now sit down and shut up, or get the fuck out of this room."
hyunjin said.

seungmin took a second chair in the corner and put it on the other side of Felix's bed, across from hyunjin.

to say the atmosphere in the room was uncomfortable and tense was an understatement.

about twenty minutes had passed, and the two boys ignored each other, sometimes sending quiet death stares to each other.

suddenly, they heard a quiet whimpers coming from Felix's mouth.

when they looked at him, they saw Felix trying to take off the oxygen mask he had on.

hyunjin immediately turned off his phone and immediately stood up, seungmin followed his actions and took Felix's hand.

"Felix? can you hear me?" seungmin spoke.

Felix whined.

seungmin sighed in relief.
"oh my god, you have no idea how scared I was. are you okay?"

when Felix's eyes adjusted, he looked around the room, smiling when his eyes landed on his best friend.
"yeah, I'm okay. you waited the entire time here?"

seungmin smiled.
"of course, I wasn't going to leave my best friend here so that he would wake up alone. hell no."

seungmin immediately hugged his best friend, Felix returning the hug, smiling.

hyunjin was watching them, not happy about the thing he saw right in front of him.
but he figured this wasn't exactly the right time to get jealous...

what am I even saying?
I'm not jealous at all, he can hug whoever he wants.
he's mine after all, I own him.

"you better take care of yourself now, I will murder you if this happens again."
seungmin said.

Felix chuckled, while hyunjin scoffed.
"oh, hi hyu- mr. hwang. What are you doing here?"
he said as he pulled away from seungmins hug.

"uhm...well, you're my employee, and you fainted during work hours. I wanted to make sure you're okay." hyunjin said.

Felix gave him a small smile.

suddenly, seungmins phone rang.
"this is important, I'm going to take it and I'm right back, okay?"

Felix nodded and seungmin left the room, leaving Felix and hyunjin alone.

"uhm, are you...okay?"
hyunjin asked.

Felix gave him a small smile and nodded.
"yeah. thank you for staying here too."

hyunjin just nodded, and the room went silent again.
none of the boys knew how to start a conversation, or what to talk about.

"after you get discharged, you will stay home for another week." hyunjin said.

Felix looked at him.

"you will also stop doing hans work, I will be the one doing that. make sure you eat well too."
hyunjin said.

Felix kept looking at him without saying anything, which made hyunjin feel kind of uncomfortable, or nervous maybe.


"because I don't want to see you like this again."
hyunjin said.

the two boys stared at each other for a while, before hyunjin sighed and looked down.
"what happened today scared the shit out of me. I mean, I was worried that something very serious happened to you because of me, and I felt super guilty honestly. I'm sorry for causing this."

Felix smiled at hyunjin.
"it's okay, I forgive you."

well, he quite shorted it and didn't say most of the things that made me flustered, but he apologized, that's some progress, right?

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