31| clueless

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hyunjin woke up, his head hurting badly.

he groaned, opening his eyes and looking around.
he was laying in his bed.

how did he even get here?
he tried, but he couldn't remember.
he looked to his side, but to his surprise, felix wasn't there.

he got up from the bed, ignoring the headache, and made his way downstairs, just to smell an amazing scent from the kitchen.

confused, he made his way inside, expecting to see his chef doing what chefs normally do, but he was caught off guard when he saw felix standing in front of the started closed oven, looking inside.


felix flinched, bumping his head against the ovens door.
"ow, fuck."

hyunjin immediately made his way to felix, putting his hand on Felix's forehead.
"you good? the glass must be hot."

"you almost have me a fucking heart attack, and I burned my forehead. no, I'm not good."
felix whined, closing his eyes.

hyunjin lifted his hand.
"let's put something cold on it, okay?"

felix nodded, and hyunjin put his hands on Felix's waist, lifting him up and sitting him on the kitchen counter.

he then went to the freezer and took some bag with frozen vegetables, going back to felix and gently putting it on Felix's forehead.
felix flinched at the sudden cold, but he eventually somehow got used to it and let hyunjin hold the cold bag against his forehead.

"shouldn't you take one too?"
Felix asked, opening his eyes and looking at hyunjin.


"I mean, don't you have a headache? you were really drunk when you came home."

hyunjin shrugged.
"I'm fine, and I'm pretty sure your burned forehead is more important than my headache."

felix nodded, closing his eyes.

"what are you even making? I thought you were a terrible cook."
hyunjin chuckled, looking at the oven.

"I am a terrible cook, but I'm an amazing baker. I'm making brownies for breakfast. the poor chef is here every day, making amazing food for us, so I thought I could make breakfast for us today."


felix nodded.
"yeah. I'm a baking god when it comes to brownies."
he said, chuckling.

hyunjin smiled.
"when will they be ready?"

"in about ten minutes."

hyunjin nodded.

a silence fell on top of them, and it gave felix a time to think.

did hyunjin remember yesterday?
did he remember their kiss?
did he remember that he confessed?

Felix wasn't sure.
and he needed to know.

felix started, freaking out a little.
what if he actually remembers?

hyunjin hummed, looking at Felix.

"what do you remember....from yesterday?"

hyunjin thought for a while.
"I mean, the last thing I can sort of remember is how Hans husband drove me here. I was really drunk, me and han drank so many shots and we spend a lot of money there. I don't remember much."

felix nodded.
so he doesn't remember.
that's good.
....isn't it?
or....did he hope that hyunjin remembered?
I mean...it was their first kiss, and it was Felix's first kiss in general.
what if he actually wanted hyunjin to remember?

"did I do something wrong?"
hyunjin asked.

felix snapped back from his thoughts.

"did I do something wrong yesterday? I hope I didn't. If I did, I'm absolutely sorry, I had no idea what I was doing."
hyunjin said, panicking a little.

"no, no, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just asking."
felix said.

hyunjin sighed in relief.
"that's a relief. I'm glad I didn't do anything bad."

you did something bad.
you made me feel so confused, hyunjin.
what should I even do now?
and....do I like you back?
felix chuckled.

"well, we have the whole day free, right? how about we spend the whole day in bed, watching movies? if you don't want to, it's fine, it was just a-"

"I didn't finish Barbie and the diamond castle yesterday because of you."
Felix said, quietly.

"then we are watching Barbie and the diamond castle."
hyunjin said, taking Felix's hand and putting it on the cold bag.
"hold it for a while, I will take out the brownies from the oven."

felix nodded, and hyunjin went to the oven, taking baking gloves and taking the brownies out.
"damn, they smell very good."

Felix chuckled.
"yeah. whenever I baked them at home, I would give some to my neighbors too, because they really liked the smell, and there was no way I would eat the whole thing myself."
he said, smiling when he remembered the memories from his little flat.

hyunjin chuckled.
"well, what should we do with them now, you five star Michelin?"

"we will let them cool down a little. in the meantime, we can get the movie ready and prepare some drinks. we have the brownies for snack, but do you want something else?"

"no, I think that the brownies should be enough. we will grab something else if we wanted. how is your forehead?"

felix took the bag off.
"I don't know. I mean, it doesn't hurt, so fine I guess?"

"let me see."
hyunjin said, walking to felix and cupping his face, looking at the forehead.

"I think it's fine. there is a little red spot, but it's really little, nothing big, and it will definitely disappear soon."

felix nodded.
"I will get the movie ready."

"and I will take us some lemonades from the fridge."


just moments later, the two boys were sitting on the couch, happily eating the brownies while watching Barbie and the diamond castle.

Felix was still holding the cold bag on his forehead.
his hand was starting to get numb.
he sighed, before changing his hands.

"should I hold it for you?"
hyunjin asked.

"I mean...it would be nice of you if you did it."
felix said, looking at hyunjin.

hyunjin chuckled, moving himself so that he would be leaning against the side of the couch, making space for felix in his arms.
"come here."

felix hesitated a little, before he moved closer to hyunjin, leaning his back against hyunjins chest.

hyunjin wrapped on of his hand around felix, while holding the bag with his other hand.

felix didn't know how to feel.
hyunjin confessed that he started to fall in love with him.
and he was now laying in his arms, following his breathing.
and the weird thing was that...he was enjoying it.
he liked how close they were.

was he crazy?
yes, he must have been.

the man of the name hwang hyunjin was driving him crazy.

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