Little Spark's first drawing

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Age: 4


Drawing had never been Anastasia's favourite thing to do. She enjoyed using the crayons and scribbling on any scraps of cardboard that was spare, but she'd never really been bothered to draw much. We'd found out pretty early that she was a leftie - all credits to me, please - and she loved to write. Or attempt to write. My husband had taken to teaching her how to write as he was 100% the better one at English. Considering I'm fluent in English, I was still Russian and made odd grammatical errors. Steve - being the all American - was the better one for that job. Hey, I could still teach her Russian later. Okay, maybe I'd already started teaching her how to say basic things like Привет (hello/hi) and Пока (bye) or Пока-Пока (bye-bye). She was a natural!

Anyways, kinda lost the subject in that.

"Mama, mama!" Ana was jumping up and down in front of me as I tried to watch TV.

"Yeah?" I asked, diverting my gaze to her.

"I want paper and drawing sticks!" she exclaimed, forgetting the word for 'crayons'.

"What's the magic word?" I asked.

"Pleeeeeease," Ana replied with a smile and wide green eyes.

I chuckled and got up, walking over to the cabinet where we kept paper and Ana's crayons.

"Are you wanting to draw a picture or write?" I asked. "Cause your daddy's not in right now. He went shopping."

"Draw," Ana announced with a wide grin.

I laughed and ruffled her bright hair fondly, passing her the crayons to carry. I took her to the table and sat her down, placing the paper in front of her.

"What are you drawing?" I asked.

"Uhmmm..." my little red-head thought for a moment. "Me, you, daddy, Auntie Yelena and Kate!"

I smiled and watched as she pulled out a green crayon first.

Ana took the green crayon to the paper and drew a very wobbly line across the landscape paper, before going on to colour it in in a very scribbly motion.

"Mama help," Ana complained as she had coloured in part of it. "There's a lot."

I chuckled and gently took the crayon out of my daughter's hand, causing her to complain loudly.

"Hey, hey, look," I snapped it in two and gave her one half. "Now there's two!"

Ana looked between me and the half-crayon she held, emerald eyes wide.

"Magic," she murmured and I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

My half of the chunk of green was definitely better coloured in than my daughters, but she seemed to be in a rush for some reason.

"Slow down детка!" I urged. "What's with the rush?"

"I need to draw the sky mama!" she cried, standing up and running to the window.

I saw her face fall into a pout as she saw the gloomy, rainy day.

"Mama there's no blue."

"I know детка, it's raining."

She spun around and ran back, before sitting, downcast.

"I want it to be sunny," she said firmly.

"So do I," I replied with a smile.

Then I thought of something. Leaning across the table, I half-whispered, "Did you know that there's a country where it is always raining?"

My daughter's green eyes were wide as she looked at me with such shock I had to stop myself laughing.

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