First mission - P2

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The quinjet arrived at the Hydra base after about half an hour of travel - which was way too long for me to wait.

"Remember, this mission is strictly recon," Steve warned the team.

The extraction team consisted of me, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Wanda.

"Do not engage unless necessary. We don't know if Ana's cover was blown or not. She could still be undercover, which could be as - if not more - dangerous for her."

The rest of our team finished their final preparations, whilst I waited, panicking internally. Steve approached me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"There wasn't any point in sugar-coating the situation," he sighed.

"Thankyou," I thanked my husband, putting my hand over one of his.

"Whatever happens, we'll make sure we get our daughter out alive, okay?"

I nodded.

"I just hope she'll be okay," I half-whispered.

I was hoping for the best, but I had terrible visions of her being found out, tortured, killed.

"Even if she isn't, we'll help her get better," Steve promised. "I promise."

He kissed my forehead gently, before turning and putting his shield on his back.

"Ready?" he asked the team who had gathered.

Everyone nodded.

"Let's go."


"Nat, we've got information about Ana," Sam's voice said through comms as I took down three burly men at once with a dance of well-executed movements.

"Where?" I asked, slightly out of breath as I knocked the last man unconscious.

"One of the cells."


I ran out of the room, only to be faced with two more men. They had guns and immediately opened fire. I swiftly ducked back into the room and grabbed my gun. As I heard their heavy boots approach the door, I quickly shot them down.

"Where are the cells?" I asked, irritated as I ran down a random corridor. "For all I know, I could end up walking into an ambush if I don't know."

Bucky's response came.

"Where are you now?" he asked. "I can direct you, it's a sprawling place."


I looked around, before having to retrace my steps.

"A long corridor. There's a window at one end that faces north I think. I just came out of some sort of office."

"You do realise the whole facility looks like that?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, well there aren't any other ways I could describe it," I replied.

"Is there a marking along the wall? Faded white paint in a weird, squiggly sort of line?" Bucky asked.

I looked along both walls.


"Alright, turn left as you approach the window."

I followed his instruction to find another corridor with a man who hadn't noticed me yet.

"You there yet?" Bucky asked.

"Hang on!" I snapped as I jumped on the man's shoulders and zapped him with my widow bites. "Alright, go on."

"Third door on the left of that corridor is a stairwell," he continued, and I ran towards that door. "Go down the stairwell and go straight down the corridor right to the end."

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