Free the orcas!

275 7 0

Age: 17


I sat on my bed cross legged as I watched the news on the TV.

"Protests are breaking out all over New York," the news reporter said, showing a clip of a street filled with protesters. "Protesters are protesting against the holding of marine animals being held in captivity by parks such as Seaworld."

One of the protesters appeared on the screen being interviewed.

"Why do you have such a strong opinion on marine animals being freed, and not land animals?" the interviewer asked.

"Well," the teenage boy replied, holding his sign. "Lots of marine animals such as orcas and dolphins travel incredibly far in a day in ocean - some a lot farther than land animals. Of course, land animals are important too, but it seems like that in places like good zoos they get enough space and enough variety of habitat."

I picked up my notebook and pen and began scribbling down what he was saying.

"Marine creatures are confined to small spaces with stone walls, glass and no plants. Most of all, the sociable creatures like orcas and dolphins who travel in pods aren't allowed to travel in pods because there simply isn't enough room, and the sea parks use the animals for shows to please the public."

"Alright, and how well do you think the protest is going?" the interviewer asked.

"Well, it is a peaceful protest and we're just stood on the sidewalk with our signs, not causing any damage. I feel like it is raising awareness at least, and hopefully more people will join our fight."

"How many protests have you contributed to?"

"Uhhh I dunno, 6, maybe 7?" the boy estimated.

"And have any of them become violent?"

I thought this was an odd question to ask, but the boy answered it anyway.

"No, we are quite peaceful. Only one I've been in had the cops involved."

"Alright, back to you in the studio."

I switched off the TV and picked up my phone. I searched google for 'marine animals in captivity protests'. I scrolled through a few results, then found a website. It had the planned dates and whereabouts of future protests. I was passionate about animals, and hated to see them locked up in placed like Seaworld.

'Upstate NYC, 3rd April, 2:00pm'

I decided I was going to go to the protest. As long as my parents didn't find out, of course. I'm 99% sure they wouldn't let me go to a protest.


"Ana, lunch is ready!" Wanda called from outside my room.

"Coming!" I replied, quickly throwing the markers in a drawer and stuffing the almost finished poster under my bed.

I glanced at my clock. It was almost 1pm. The bus to get me to the protest was at 1:35 - I couldn't miss it. I left my room and ran downstairs. I slipped into my usual seat - beside mom and opposite Wanda. We dished up and I began to eat quickly, glancing at the clock in between bites.

"Hey, hey, slow down!" dad said, startled at my speed.

I swallowed my pasta and lied, "I'm just really hungry."

He nodded, but still didn't look convinced.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to MJ's soon," I told my mom.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" she asked.

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