Surprise from the past - P2

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Peggy stared ahead for a moment, until she spoke to me.

"Anastasia, is it?" she asked, looking at me out of her deep brown eyes.

"Just Ana's fine," I replied.

Peggy smiled slightly.

"The 2000s are so different," she commented, looking around.

I sighed.

"Usually there'd be billions more people in the world, but right now they're all dead," I joked darkly.


"Well-" I hesitated. "There was this guy, huge, purple-"

"Purple?" Peggy questioned.

I laughed.

"Shit like that's normal for the Avengers," I replied.

"Ana, mind your language please," Peggy warned.

"Sorry," I chuckled. "Anyways, his name was Thanos. He wanted to wipe out half of all living creatures with the help of the infinity stones. He killed his daughter to get one. And with that."

I clicked my fingers.

"He wiped out half the universe in an instant."

Peggy looked at me with shock.

"We were trying to make a time machine to go back and get the stones, but it malfunctioned and you appeared," I explained.

I expected the Brit to ask why she was here, but she didn't. I guess she was trying to figure that out herself and didn't like to ask pointless questions.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm just trying to figure out why I got pulled through time."

"And space."

"Yes, and space."

"Were you doing something in your time that could've resulted in this?"

Peggy shrugged one shoulder.

"I genuinely have no clue."

We sat in silence, leaned over the counter for a moment.

"You seemed to be getting along with mom?" I interrupted the silence.

"She's very nice," Peggy replied. "Seems quite tired though?"

I nodded slowly with a sigh.

"The past 5 years have been hard for her. Hard on everyone, but her most," I explained. "She thinks what happened was her fault and she should've fought harder."

Peggy tilted her head slightly.

"I'm sure it wasn't her fault though?"

"No, it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anybody's fault apart from Thanos'. And Dr Strange's."


"I don't know, some wizard guy who gave away one of the stones to Thanos."

"Why would he do that?"

I shrugged.

"No idea, I don't personally know him. He was with Tony and Peter..."

I remembered Peter. If we got Peter back, I'd be so much older than him. Thankfully, MJ hadn't dusted and I still had her.

The room fell silent again, until Peggy asked, "Did your mother come from the Red Room?"

I looked at the woman in surprise.

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