29. Rose

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Chapter 29 - "Rose."

Third Person POV:

As soon as Sonic and Shadow stepped out the portal, Tails jumped in and gave his big brother the biggest hug ever, Sonic returning it. His Lover was also greeted by Tails, he smiled at his lover's little brother by gratitude. Amy left the room without anyone noticing.

Maria stood a little far from the rest, she stared at Shadow, she saw how he was smiling more frequently, she was happy about that. Unfortunately, the hedgehog glanced at her with a raised brow, Maria gave a small wave, unsure of what exactly to do. Shadow's ear twitched, he felt something... Odd about her.

Sonic saw Maria and waved at her enthusiastically. With Maria waving back at him too.

Sonic: "Hey Marianne!"

Maria walked up to the others to join the welcoming crowd. Tails stood next to Maria and faced Sonic.

Tails: "Sonic, Marianne here is actually a lot more interesting! She helped me a lot in getting you guys back. She even cured my injuries."

Sonic: "Huh.. Well, thanks for being there for him, I really appreciate it, if I ever arrived here and he was badly injured, I'd freak."

Maria: "Oh, it was no problem, he was adorable."

Maria spoke, making a few glances to Shadow. Shadow sensed this but he didn't bother looking back, he was just staring at Rouge who was rambling about something.

After a while, Tails toured Sonic around the new hideout, Rouge explained everything to Shadow, and the rest were relaxing. Maria was walking around the hotel, checking up on everyone from time to time.

She stumbled on a certain pink hedgehog sitting on a couch in the hotel lounge, head down and fidgeting with the ribbons designs on her dress, curling it or making shapes out of it. Maria walked towards her, sitting beside.

Maria: "Amy, how are you? you were the first to leave when Sonic and Shadow came back?.."

Her ears perked and she looked up, keeping a refined posture. (check ur posture btw)

Amy: "Oh, Hi Marianne, I'm fine."

Maria: "I can sense something's bothering you."

Amy: "How so?"

Maria: "I've had a friend who barely shows much emotion, I trained myself to know if he's sad or happy."

Amy chuckled and laid back, relaxed.

Amy: "Sonic... I love him, but, he seems happy with Shadow. I mean- they're holding hands, hanging out.. I miss when we had that."

Maria's eyes widen a little, she didn't expect that, she doesn't have much knowledge on same gender relationships, especially with Shadow.

Maria: "So, you're jealous?"

Amy: "I hate to admit it, but, yeah. I even kissed him without permission! And I feel bad about it now, like he secretly hates me. But I still love him! I'm better than Shadow... I think."

Maria: "I see.. It's hard for you to accept."

Amy nodded, then there was silence for a few minutes. Maria then spoke again.

Maria: "Sonic's a hero, he's quick and busy. In my opinion he isn't the type to slow down for a romantic relationship. And with Shadow at the same speed, they could go into battle without the need of saving each other."

Amy: "So, you're saying that I drag him down...?"

Maria: "Of course not! What I'm saying is, maybe Sonic feels more comfortable with Shadow, that being because Shadow can keep up with him, not only in speed but behavior too. With Shadow's right amount of warm and soft but mature attitude, he can take care of little autistic and ADHD Sonic!"

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