Chapter 3 - Parents

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(Your'e POV, 13 years old)

"What?! You can't do that! We don't even know what kind of magic you use or how strong you are!" Lisanna whisper-yelled.

"You just don't understand! It's been 4 years and I have no idea if my parents are dead or alive. I started training privately a year ago and I've gotten so much stronger! I have to go look for them."

"Master will never let you go alone! Not without knowing what kind of magic you use at the least."

"If showing everyone what kind of magic I use is my ticket out of here, then that's what i'll do." Lisanna sighed at my response.

"You know everyone is going to want to go with you."

"That's why you're the only person I'm telling. Well besides master. I can't even talk to people about my parents, how can I take them with me in search of them? I need to do this on my own Lisanna. You understand, don't you?"

"I do. I'm not sure everyone else will though."

"I knew you would. That's why I told you. And for the rest of them, that's a problem for me to deal with after the fact. I just can't have anyone interfering before hand." Lisanna looked a bit concerned.

"If you really want to go through with it, I guess we better go talk to master."


"We finally get to see what kind of magic you use?! COOL!!" Natsu exclaimed in excitement.

"Are you sure you're ready (Y/N)? You know you don't have to if you don't want to." Gray muttered, rolling his eyes in Natsus direction.

"I'm ready Gray. You're wrong, I do have to do this." I said bluntly as I began walking towards the door. With a puzzled expression, Gray followed me along with the rest of the guild. Everyone waited in anticipation, seeing as they've been waiting for over 4 years now. I took a deep breath. You can do this. You can do this. You WILL do this because you have to find mom and dad.

I looked towards the floor as I placed one fist against my other palm. I could almost feel Grays reaction from the sidelines without looking at him.

"Earth-make, rocks!" I shouted as a blast of light came from my hands. In front of me appeared several large bolders that were lined up one after another, each a bit bigger than the one in front of it. I quickly jumped to the top of the first boulder and ran up the rest of them like it was a set of stairs. Once I reached the top of the last boulder, I faced a field in front of me.

"Earth-make, tornado!" I yelled as a tornado formed from dirt in the field below. I stood controlling its path, wiping out any little creatures that may have inhabited the area. I bring the tornado a bit closer to the guild than everyone's liking, picked up every single boulder with it, including the one I was on, and disappeared into the dust. I brought it back out to the middle of the field. I kept it in one spot and let it die down, eventually being revealed standing on my feet right where the tornado blew just moments ago. I could hear the gasps of my guild mates all the way from where i was standing.

"Earth-make, platform." I said as a rock platform appeared in front of me, hovering over the ground. I stepped onto it and floated all the way back to my friends. I stood there for a moment while it was completely silent, before everyone bursted.

"(Y/N) you use maker magic?!" I heard Gray exclaim.

"That was so cool!!"

"Wow she's more powerful than I thought she would be!!"

"Well now I know not to mess with that kid."

"I'm so proud of you (Y/N)!"

I stepped off the platform and it fell into a small pile of rubble. I smiled slightly before I turned away and walked back into the guild.

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