Chapter 6 - Silence

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(You're POV, 14 yrs old)

It was around dinner time, maybe 7 pm, as I walked down the busy sidewalk through the town of Magnolia. I missed my home.

I slowly make my way towards the guildhall. This is about to be one hell of a night. As I approached, I stood outside the door for a moment. I wasn't sure what everyone's reaction would be. Are they all going to be mad at me for leaving for so long? Will they welcome me back with open arms? Is Gray going to speak to me at all?

I slowly push open the doors. The sun is setting behind me, so as everyone looks over all you could see for a moment was my silhouette before their eyes began to adjust. It was silent. The awkward moment of me standing there, everyone staring, seemed to last a lifetime. Finally, everyone broke out in cheers.

"(Y/N) is finally back!!"

"She's home!"

"Well it took her long enough!"

"We thought we'd never see you again!"

I smiled gently as everyone continued to cheer. I scanned the crowd for Lisanna and Gray. I spotted Lisanna and she smiled softly while waving. After I waved back, she secretly pointed to her right, towards a booth who seated one person. I looked closely, and it was Gray with his back faced towards me. Well that's just great.

I walked further into the hall, greeting everyone I passed. There were some hugs, some hand shakes, and many warm, welcoming smiles. Finally I was able to make my way to Gray. I slowly stepped in front of him and stood right beside his booth.

"Hi Gray."  No response. Here we go. "I'm sorry." I stood there waiting for him to say something. But he didn't. "Gray, please don't be mad at me. You have to understand why I left."

"No I don't." He muttered while staring at the table in front of him.

"You are the ONLY person who knows what happened with my parents. And you are really going to try and tell me you don't get it? You even said yourself that if you didn't know if your parents were dead or alive you wouldn't know what to do yourself. I did know what to do, so I did it. How can you be upset with me for that?" The entire guild was silent.

"You're right (Y/N). I am the only one who knows what happened. I'm also the only one that knows what you're going after. And you were right. If you did tell me that you were leaving I would have stopped you because I know how dumb it was of you to do." My eyes widened with shock. I wasn't expecting him to say anything of the sort.

"You were gone for 8 months!! You look rough but not rough enough to have found what you were looking for, but one day that may not be the case and I don't think you understand what you would be dealing with. And I'm mad at you because we both know what could have happened to you and you didn't bother to say goodbye. If something happened and I didn't get that, how do you think that would make me feel? You're my best friend (Y/N), do you really think that's fair??"

Every guild members jaw was on the floor. That's just about the most information they've ever gotten about what happened to my parents, even though it still wasn't much.

"Gray.. I- Well I promised I would come back. And I did. See? In the flesh!" I slightly smiled awkwardly. He scoffed. "If I thought there was a chance I wouldn't come back, I would've said so. And I would have said goodbye." He finally looked up at me. "I would have said goodbye to you Gray."

He stared at me like he was trying to read the pages of my soul. After what felt like centuries, he flew out of his seat and threw himself into me, embracing me in a hug. So cold. I missed this.

Sorry this one is a bit in the short side! The last couple chapters have been a bit long and I thought some extra Gray x reader time would make up for it ☺️ don't worry there is so much more ahead!!

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