Chapter 1 - Dont go!

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(You're POV, 9 yrs old)

"Mommy where's daddy? It sounds scary outside..." I asked with a frown.

"Hmm.. he's been gone quite some time hasn't he. My love, I must go out in search of him. But I beg you, please stay hidden here in the closet. I will be back very shortly with daddy right along side me." She replied with the most reassuring smile she could muster up.

"No mommy! Please don't leave me! I'm so scared... I can't be alone!!" I shouted back. I was terrified as is, I couldn't imagine being without her.

As she carefully climbed out of the hidden closet she said, "You are the most brave little girl I have ever met. You will turn out to be one of the most amazing young women the universe could ever hope for. Please, protect that my love, stay here. I love you so very much my baby, I will be back soon!" She smiled slightly as she closed the closet door behind her, leaving me alone in the complete darkness. That was the last time I ever saw my mother.


"W-where am I...?" I muttered as I slowly sat up, rubbing the top of my head. I observed my surroundings, or rather the lack of. For as far as I could see, there was just trees. I looked to my left and noticed a very thin, faint leaf-covered pathway. As I had no real destination, but knew the middle of a forest definitely wasn't it, I began following the path.

I felt my stomach grumble, angry from lack of food. I suddenly smelled a very small, extremely faint smell of my mother's pancakes for just a split second before it was gone. "Mommy... I miss you. Where are you..?" I wiped away a single tear and continued down the path. Eventually I could smell all kinds of food and knew I had to be getting towards the edge of the forest.

As I emerged, I discovered a whole town! There were shops and restaurants everywhere you looked. I quickly chose the best smelling one and ran inside. I looked around and saw all kinds of people. A boy and a girl sitting across from each other, hands interlinked, slight blushes across their cheeks. An old man sitting all by himself. 3 Girls that were laughing loudly as they finished their meal.

A family. There was a mom, a dad, and a little girl. They looked so happy. At the sight, I instantly broke out in horrid sobs. Every different table I had just observed now had their eyes on me, watching a little girl wail on the floor in the middle of the restaurant. Whispers began to circle the area.

"Where is that little girls parents?"

"Is she alright?"

"Kids. Always so loud. Her parents need to control her better."

I ignored everything I heard as I gasped for air. I miss my mommy and daddy. Why does she get to be with hers? it's not fair. A few more moments went by before I noticed 3 pairs of shoes standing in front of me. I slowly looked up to see 3 kids around my age as one of them began speaking.

"Why are you crying? Do You need help?" A girl with deep red hair and an eye patch asked gently.

"I- I want my mommy!!" I yelled out through my sobs.

"Where is she? Did you lose her somewhere around the restaurant?" The girl asked. I didn't respond as I looked to the floor.

"Well? Where is she? She can't be too far." A boy with spiky pink hair and a scarf stated.

"I haven't seen her in weeks! I don't know where she is and I don't know where I am and I miss her and I want her right now!!!" The 3 kids were taken aback and were silent for a moment before a boy with blue hair and no shirt said,

"Why don't you come with us. We will take care of you until we find you're mom. Don't worry." For a moment I didn't respond. I didn't want to stop looking for my parents. I want to keep walking until I've searched every corner of the earth for them. But I know right now that I can't. I am hungry and have no way to pay for food. I sniffed and wiped my eyes before I stood up and responded,

"Really? I can come with you guys?? But what will your mommy's and daddy's say?" I questioned.

"Well I guess that could be a problem... oh wait that works out pretty well none of us has parents either!" The pink hair boy said and broke out in laughter. My eyes widened. T-they don't have parents?? Then where do they live?!

"Hey idiot, why don't you read the room! That was so not funny!" The shirtless boy scolded.

"Hah, it's okay. I love to make jokes." I said shyly. "If you guys don't have parents, then where do you live?" I asked bluntly.

"We live in dorms. There's one for boys and one for girls." Pinky responded.

"Dorms? But where?"

"Sorry about him, the flames are getting to his brain. We are wizards and the dorms are very near to the fairytail guildhall, which we are all a part of." Naked boy says.

"Fairytail?!" I exclaimed. "I've loved you guys since I knew what magic was!! This is so cool! You mean you are taking me back to the fairytail guildhall??" I asked excitedly. They nodded in return. "No way! Thanks guys! I'm (Y/N) by the way. what's your names?"

"I'm Ezra Scarlet. It's nice to meet you!"

"I'm Gray Fullbuster, and this over here is flame brain."

"Hey!! That's not my name!! I'm Natsu! And this is- hey, where's happy?" He asked.

"Happy? Whose that's?"

"My cat! He must have wander off somewhere... happy! haaaapppyyyyy!!" Natsu called out.

"Aye sir!" I heard someone call out right before a bird flew over and landed next to Natsus feet. Wait... that's not a bird.. that's a cat?!

"A cat... with wings?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep! He's so cool aint he!"

"Awww he's so cute!! How old is he??"

"You know it's rude to ask someone their age lady!" They cat huffed.

"Huh? Sorry? Well I'm 9."

"Oh cool we are all 10! So close in age!" Erza said excitedly.

"HA HA we are olderrrr!" Natsu laughed. They all rolled their eyes, and with that, we all left the restaurant and began towards the guildhall. I was a bit nervous about my decision at first, but it would prove to be the best one I've ever made.

Hi everyone! I know this first chapter is a bit boring and slow, but I promise it gets better!! The next couple of chapters may be the same, but I like to get the full set up of the story out of the way so we can get to the good juicy parts. So bear with me! I don't think you will be disappointed :)

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