Chapter 44

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The text came later that night.

The well-known strand of numbers flashed across her screen as Nick was eating dinner in the dining room with her mom.

Quickly, she opened up the message. On the screen read: "You left your sheet here earlier, would you like it back?"

Nick thought her reply over. In the grand scheme of things, she did not need the sheet. She doubted she ever would have noticed its absence in the first place were it not for Doctor Cullen alerting her. But, retrieving it would be another opportunity to see the man.

So, she replied: "That would be great if you don't mind. Could I get it tomorrow?"

Nick set her phone down so as to not stare at the screen as she waited for a reply.

Nick's mom had been watching her daughter very carefully as she typed away on her phone, and squinted her eyes in suspicion. However, when Nick looked back up, her mom's face was neutral and she was calmly eating her piece of lasagna.

At the beginning of dinner, Nick had told her mom all about the grand presentation to the doctor and how he had paid her $450. Nick had expected her mom to be absolutely shocked, but instead, she grinned massively and said "You deserve it after all your hard work."

After a few minutes of eating, Nick's phone buzzed on the table. Quickly, she snatched it up.

"Does Tuesday work for you? I'm leaving for a camping trip tonight."

Nick couldn't quite help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had gotten the idea into her head that she would already get to see Dr. Cullen again tomorrow.

Attempting to keep a blank face, she texted him back: "No worries, I'll stop by after school then."

Nick's mom couldn't help but ask. "Who are you texting?" she inquired as Nick set her phone back down.

Nick's brain scrambled for a reply. "Maggie."

Her mom looked at her unconvinced.

"We're going to get breakfast tomorrow morning," Nick continued, trying to make her fib more believable. Nick made a mental note to text Maggie that they should go get coffee tomorrow.

Theresa didn't believe her daughter's lie for a second, but decided to let the matter drop. She would find out sooner or later– she always did.


A few days later, Nick found herself in a very similar situation to a few days prior. She stood in front of the wooden door with the little blue splotch of paint on the bottom. This time, however, she had both hands free and was able to knock normally.

Doctor Cullen was at the door in seconds. A wide smile stretched his face as he saw Nick standing there. She was wearing a pair of light-wash jeans and a fuzzy sweater. While he couldn't feel the cold temperature, he could imagine that the chilly March air was quite biting.

Reeling from the quick change in temperature from outside to inside, Nick pushed up her sleeves, raising her arms forward to do so. As she did, the silver and topaz bracelet she had bought months ago caught the light.

The glint caught both of their attentions and Carlisle's soft voice spoke up.

"That's a beautiful bracelet."

"Thanks!" Nick exclaimed. "I got it thrifting." She looked down at herself. "I actually got this sweater thrifting, too."

Carlisle looked at the girl over, he had never seen the reason to go thrifting with the amount of wealth he had accumulated over time, but the young girl's excitement at her finds made him consider the option.

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