Chapter 38

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Nick was wearing not just one, but two coats, a fact that she made sure her friends were well aware of in between her complaints.

"I really can't believe we're going to First Beach at the end of December."

Maggie had held strong to her suggestion, texting the friends' group chat when she arrived home the night prior. The other three were quick to jump aboard, excited at the opportunity of seeing the water, even though it was a whopping thirty-four degrees– another fact Nick was sure to point out.

However, despite her strong complaints the entire drive over, Nick was the first out of Maggie's car the second that it was put into park. She immediately took off running, yelling over her shoulder: "The last one to the water has to make the fire!"

"You bitch!" Maggie yelled as she shoved her keys deep into her pocket and took off running. 

Henry reached out and grabbed Nora's hand, pulling her along with him as he sprinted for the shoreline. She stumbled and laughed as he practically dragged her along. 

Jonah rolled his eyes with a smile as all the others started their race. He was always the one who ended up making the fire, no matter who won. But nonetheless, he dropped the stack of towels that was in his arms onto the sand and took off after the group.

They all arrived panting and out of breath- close enough to the water that they could feel its cool mist, but far enough away to keep their shoes dry. Still panting, Jonah flung his outstretched arms around the group.

"You're all helping me build this shit, especially you," he shot a playful glare at Nick who grinned back deviously.

"A fire sounds delightful," Nick half-sung, rubbing her hands together. "I really am quite c-"

"If you say you're cold I'm going to fucking smack you," Maggie cut her off.

Nick faked big innocent eyes at her friend. "Whatever do you mean? I was merely about to state I was quite contemplative of this fine body of water."

Jonah scoffed, shaking his head. "Idiot," he teased.

The group stood there by the breaking water a minute longer before Jonah spoke up again. "I hate to say it, but I'm actually cold."

Nora laughed loudly, immediately catching sight of the I told you so look on Nick's face. "Let's go build a fire."

While all the friends did help to collect the dry driftwood and build up the frame, it was Jonah who lit the flame. The group had since retrieved the stack of towels he tossed onto the sand and now sat upon them in a semi-circle around the blue flames.

It was moments like this that Nick was truly able to appreciate her friends. Their faces were glowing in a combination of the mid-afternoon light and the warm blue-ish glow of the fire. Maggie lay on the same towel as her, stretched out on her back with her head resting on Nick's lap. Jonah sat on the towel next to them, cross-legged and leaning forward as he enthusiastically talked to Nora about some topic Nick hadn't heard the beginning of. Henry's arm was loosely draped over his girlfriend's shoulder and his eyes ping-ponged back and forth between her and Jonah as they were now lively debating the exact hue of the flames.

Maggie piped up interrupting their debate from where she lay on Nick's lap. "It's definitely azure."

"That's what I'm saying!" Nora exclaimed.

Jonah shook his head. "You both are color blind. It's ultramarine."

It was Henry now who butted into the conversation. "Can we just say it's blue?"

Four sets of incredulous eyes immediately shot to the boy.

Nora scoffed. "I love you, but shut up."

Henry held his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, not blue."

Nick looked down to Maggie, meeting her eye immediately. 'Lover's quarrel,' she mouthed to the purple-haired girl who immediately cracked up laughing.

Magie covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide her laughter as Nora turned her playful glare on her.

Before anyone could speak again, all of their phones buzzed at the same time.

They all reached for their devices, which were at various distances away from each individual, to see what notification they could have all received at once.

It was Jonah who had it open the fastest. "It's from Alice," he stated. "She's throwing a New Year's Party at her house."

Maggie sat up from Nick's lap quickly. "No way. I've heard their house is huge."

Nora nodded in agreement. "Yeah, there's this big group of sophomores who were gossiping about it the other day."

"Was it that bitchy one Lauren?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, and her friend Jessica."

Nick had been lucky not to cross paths with those younger girls often, she did not envy Nora for being in the same year as them.

Nora looked at the message on her phone. It was sent directly to her, so Alice must have used some sort of blast messaging. It was a relief not to be thrown into some giant random group chat, but it would be interesting to see who all was invited.

"I've been over to their house when Alice and I were working on that ceramics project," Nick said.

"I completely forgot about that," Maggie replied, twisting her body towards Nick in interest. "What's it like?"

Nick shrugged. "Big- that's true. And it's really nice. I was really only in the kitchen tho," she conceded. While she had everyone's attention, she also asked, "Should we go?"

"We could start at my house like we were planning, and then drive over later," Jonah suggested.

The five thought about it. They had been planning to hang out at Jonah's house for the night with a handle of Titos, thanks to Jonah's older brother.

Maggie laughed to herself for a minute, amused by her own thoughts. "We'll pregame the Cullens!"

"I'm sure Alice won't mind if we take her some," Nora added on with a grin.

"I'll say we'll all be there," Nick said with a smile as she began to type out the message.

From over in the Cullen house, Alice grinned as she saw the five make their decision. She saw it as soon as she sent the message, even before they debated. So, it was no surprise when her phone dinged with Nick's enthusiastic "YAYYYY! We'll be there".

She squealed, dancing around the living room while Edward rolled his eyes.

"This is such a stupid idea," the mindreader grumbled as he closed his book and stood to leave the room.

"You're just jealous that I have friends," Alice chimed as she continued to twirl around.

"Like I'd ever want to hang out with a human," Edward rolled his eyes as he walked from the living room.

"So I'll take it you won't be at the party?" Alice called after him.

His answer was a swift glare cast over his shoulder.

"All right then," Alice clapped her hands together, "I need to decorate!"

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