Chapter 35

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Finals were... finals. 

There's not much more to say about them besides that. But with their conclusion came the final winter break that the five would share together, so they decided to make the most of it. After a week and a half of staying off of her foot, Nick was feeling good enough to join her friends for some last-minute Christmas shopping.

Nick was just pulling her dark green beanie over her head when she heard a honk from outside her house. As quickly as she could manage, still slightly incapacitated by her ankle, she rushed to the front door. Swinging it open, she waved through the glass and held up a finger. "One minute," she mouthed as she rushed to grab her tote bag out of the living roof. She huffed, out of breath from her lack of movement the past few weeks, as she reached Maggie's car. Nick had just reached the passenger side door and was about to pull the handle when the window rolled down.

"Good morning darling," Jonah drawled from the passenger seat.

Nick gasped in faux horor. "You're in my seat!" she exclaimed.

He just merely grinned and used his thumb to point to the back. "You're with the lovers."

"Oh shut up," came Nora's voice from the back. Nick could practically see her eyes rolling through the door based on the tone of voice alone.

Jonah snorted as Nick stepped toward the back door, resigned.

The so-called lovers smiled at her as she squeezed into the back.

"Everyone buckled?" Maggie asked, catching Nick's eye in the rearview mirror.

"Yes mom," they all practically seemed to say at the same time, causing the car to erupt into a fit of laughter.

Spirits high, Maggie pulled out of the driveway and started the journey to Port Angeles.

It wasn't long before the five friends found themselves wandering the sidewalk along a stretch of shops. As they walked, they made notes of different stores they wanted to stop in at later-- they had all agreed on the drive there what their first stop would be: an eclectic little antique shop a block over. And so they walked, conversation flowing as they joked about finals and predicted what their final grades would be. They laughed as Henry tried to hide his horror anytime a grade under an 'A' was mentioned.

A small bell tinkled overhead as they pushed open the door, their voices immediately lowering to a whisper as they stepped into the little shop. Ever since they stumbled upon this place a few years ago, it has become one of their favorite places to go. Now, no matter how many times they went, they still never knew what to expect. The isles were narrow and the shelves were lined with odds and ends, roughly organized by category. Near the back were racks that were stocked with vintage clothing as well. Maggie made a beeline for that section. Nick, on the other hand, gravitated toward the front counter that housed the jewelry. Her mother was a fiend for a good necklace, so it would be the perfect Christmas gift.

Her eyes traced the rows of silver and gold jewelry, some in better condition than others. They were all laid out in a pattern that was not decipherable to her as her eyes traced the rows behind the glass. Her eyes stopped on a dainty gold necklace. It was a petite chain with a little light-green waterdrop charm. She'd have to look closer at it before making any final decisions, but it would be perfect. She could imagine it draped around her mom's neck and how beautifully it would bring out her eyes. Nick had, after all, gotten her stunning green eyes from her.

There was a little push bell on the counter that Nick rang hesitantly, her friends' eyes glancing over with the shrill ding.

Maggie pranced over to her. "Watcha find?" she asked, peering into the glass cases.

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