Chapter 43

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Nick discovered that as a rule of thumb, Carlisle would respond to her texts within 15 minutes of her sending them. Anytime she sent a progress picture, his kind words in return would always make her smile. His compliments always sent a spark through her body.

However, Nick hadn't sent him a picture in the past few days since she was so close to being done. While Carlisle had seen much of the process, Nick wanted the final piece to be a surprise. Or rather, she wanted to see his reaction to it in person.

It was at the beginning of March that Nick decided the painting was complete. No matter how hard she scrutinized it, there were no areas that she deemed needed more rendering or detail. If she was being honest, it was one of her favorite paintings she'd ever done.

The familiar buzz filled her veins as she pulled out her phone to text the doctor. Their last texts illuminated her screen as she opened up his number (she still hadn't saved his contact in her phone).

The last message that had been sent was from just over two weeks ago. "You are extraordinary," Carlisle had sent in response to her latest progress picture. In the moment, Nick hadn't known how to reply, so his words had sat constantly bouncing around in her mind.

Fighting to push them away she typed out, "Your painting is done :)" and hit send.

Nick sat her phone down on her bed and began to gather her paintbrushes so she could wash them before the paint dried.

By the time she had returned from the bathroom sink, Carlisle's reply was waiting for her.

"Wonderful! Care to meet up this weekend?" The last question was followed up by another message: "To exchange the painting, I mean."

Nick laughed to herself as she read his unneeded correction. It wasn't as if they would be meeting up for any other reason.

She didn't wait to type up her reply. "You free Friday around 7?"

His reply was instantaneous: "Yes"

Nick watched as the three dots appeared on her screen signifying he was typing more. They disappeared for a second before popping right back up.

"Would you be able to meet at my office?" were the words that eventually appeared.

Nick then inquired if he meant his office in the hospital, to which he replied yes.

All that was left then was to wait, so Nick plugged her phone in and attempted to calm herself down for bed. Knowing that she would get to see the doctor in three days made her heart race. She longed to be in his presence again, to feel his eyes boring into hers.

All attempts to forget the doctor failed so instead she decided to play into her delusions to lull herself to sleep. She pictured herself walking up to his office door through the halls of the hospital and him having it held open for her. He would marvel at the work she had done and step closer to view it, which would invade her personal space. She would feel his sweet breath on her neck and he stepped closer. His hand would find her waist-

Nick's thoughts abruptly cut off as she realized what she was doing. "Ugh," she groaned and flipped over, burying her face into the pillow.


Much to Nick's disappointment, Dr Cullen was not standing at the door holding it open for her when she reached his office.

She was holding the rather large painting that was wrapped in a white sheet, both for protection and for dramatics, so she couldn't quite get the door. She tried to shift all of the weight onto one arm, but the painting was an awkward size to carry, so she still couldn't quite reach the door. Hoping she wouldn't come across as rude, she kicked the door a couple of times as a form of knocking.

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