Chapter 22

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Playing the field was a total flop. A disastrous flop. Instead, Nick found herself with one guy who she still felt constantly conflicted around. But, he made her smile and laugh, and that was enough for her to say yes when he asked her out on an official date. Then yes again when he asked her out on a second.

Planning the set for Dracula continued to go smoothly, and the group found themselves meeting often. They had even begun to hang out together outside of planning, much to Nick's joy. She couldn't help how happy it made her that Meyer was also embraced by her friends.

As the show drew closer, Nick decided to take a break from her mural. While everyone on her set design team was nothing but understanding, a guilt still pervaded her each time they followed her to the hospital so she could work. With the show only three weeks away, she couldn't afford dividing her attention, and besides, the hospital held far too many possible distractions. Without a fail, every time the clock struck four, she felt that nagging pull in her chest. But as the days passed, it got easier to handle. Instead of a concern it became a constant; it may concern her more so if it were to vanish, although she had yet to consciously admit that to herself. Besides, with only three weeks until the curtains opened, it was time to get their asses in gear and start finalizing the physical production.

They had spent quite a while in the brainstorming phases, sitting and watching the first few read throughs of the script once all roles had been casted. After the ideas were there, it came to the measurements and materials. Much to his dismay, Henry was roped into doing the math. Despite his pleas and complaints of his intense need to study, Nora was able to coerce him with a sweet smile and a plea for help herself. Meyer, too, was a surprisingly large help with the physical building the group was coming to realize as they entered the woodshop. They had received permission earlier that week to use it after school hours. It had been Meyer who worked his magic there, turns about he was a well established wood worker, or at least he was in the eyes of the woodshop teacher Mr. Shoelen.

Nick surveyed the room as she walked in, an anticipatory smile spreading across her face. She glanced over to where Meyer had spread the planning papers across the table, only to meet his eyes. He grinned as their gazes locked and beckoned her over. Before she could take a step, an arm flung around her shoulder. She didn't even have to turn to know who it was, the purple in her peripheral vision was a dead giveaway.

"Fancy seeing you here," she jested.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" Nick jested back. "The hallway was such a long time ago."

Maggie scoffed and shoved into Nick jokingly. "Better go over to loverboy. He's been trying to catch your eye again for ages," she emphasized the word.

It was Nick's turn to scoff, but she took a step forward all the same letting Maggie's arm slip off her back.

"Hey," she greeted as she approached the boy, leaning forward onto the table to look at the papers scattered about. "Thanks again for getting us in here, I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem, really," he stated, his hand found hers as he gently placed it atop of hers resting on the table.

Nick's eyes shot to their hands and then to his face. His expression was unreadable for a moment until he gave her a tentative smile, which she quickly returned.

A throat cleared behind them and both quickly retracted their hands, Meyer stuffing his into his pocket and Nick picking up a random paper. "What are you up to over here?" The voice she now recognized as Jonah asked.

"Oh just looking over these designs again," Nick hurried out.

She turned quickly in confusion when the boy started laughing. "What?" she exclaimed somewhat defensively. Without breaking his laughter, he reached out and took the paper out of her hand, rotating it 180 degrees, before placing it in her hands once more.

"I find it works best to read over plans when they're not upside down," he got out between laughs.

It was only then that Nick looked towards the paper in her hands, which was now right-side up. The large amount of words accompanying the illustrations on the page made it impossible to justify it was on purpose, but she tried nonetheless. "I was just trying to get a new perspective."

"Whatever you say," said Jonah unconvinced, although his face still shone with the laughter that had taken over him moments before.

With a wink he grabbed another piece of paper off the table and started to walk over to the table saw. He paused, turning around. "Well come on loverboy, we don't have all day."

Nick shot Meyer an apologetic look. 'Sorry' she mouthed as she turned towards her friend.

She laid the paper in her hand back down on the table and sulked over to Maggie. "Who came up with loverboy? I just want to have a chat," she huffed.

"Oh just look at him," Maggie laughed and Nick obliged. He was standing over with Jonah still, but his gauze was fixated on her. "He practically gave himself the name."

Nick couldn't lie, she could see the truth in Maggie's words. The way his gauze always drifted to her was enough. He made her smile, she reminded herself. His hand on hers was warm and kind. And the smile she had returned moments ago truly was genuine. But despite her reassurances, she couldn't help but place a hand on her chest, the absence astounding. Shaking her head, she dropped her hand and turned to Maggie, and Nora and was approaching the pair.

"Alright team," she announced, "Let's do this."

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