Chapter 29

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Nick woke up excited for the day, tossing her painting bag in her car trunk on her way to school. While she loved working on Dracula, she couldn't help being excited to get back to the hospital to continue the large project she had started over the summer. She also couldn't deny she felt a certain type of anticipation toward being in the same place as the blond doctor. But, when she wanted time to move quickly, it never failed to go at a strikingly flow pace. It was tortuous watching the clock tick during each period, but soon enough it was lunch.

Maggie and Nick were first to the table, the pair sitting close and immediately diving into conversation. Maggie was grinning over at Nick as the girl laughed at a joke she had made.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jonah teased as he tossed his bag onto the ground and slit into the seat across from the pair of girls.

Maggie glanced at him with wide eyes that he replied to with a knowing look. Nick, still laughing, had her face covered by her hands.

Before Jonah or Maggie could say anything further, Nora and Henry joined the group, sitting down next to each other as Jonah slid over around the round table. There was a palpable tension in the air as the younger two joined the group. Jonah, always the observant, cocked his head at the pair.

"What's up with you two?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Nora slightly stuttered out, a light pink rising in her cheeks.

Maggie, picking up on the situation, joined in. "Look Nick, she's blushing," she said as she nudged her friend beside her.

Nora stared furtively the table as Henry sat there, a torn took crossing his features. But after a minute of hesitation, in which three sets of prying eyes were all trained in him, he tossed an arm over Nora's shoulder. At the action, Nora shot her head up and a shy smile stretched her lips as she faced the group.

"So," Maggie began stretching out the word, "the two of you?" She gestured between the pair in turn. Nora's face becoming even redder was all the confirmation they needed to launch in, looking for even more details. "When did that happen?" Maggie asked, shooting a glance over towards Nick.

With that glance, Nick was immediately sucked into the interrogation. "During tech week?" she asked hopefully.

"Hey!" Maggie exclaimed. "I thought you said before." Nick just rolled her eyes at her purple haired friend and continued to wait for her answer.

"No?" Henry replied, slightly confused at the question.

"Before opening night?" Maggie prompted once more.

The pair looked uncomfortable as Henry rubbed the back of his neck. "It was last night after the show."

The two girls deflated slightly at the news.

"Damn," Maggie said speaking for them both. She turned to Nick with a shrug. "Guess we both lost."

Nora squinted her eyes at the pair. "What do you mean by 'lost'," she asked with an accusatory tone.

Before either girl could reply revealing their bet, Jonah spoke up, turning to Henry. "You finally worked up the nerve," he grinned at the embarrassed boy.

"Actually," Henry scratched the back of his neck again and shot a glance at Nora. "I didn't."

"I got tired of waiting," Nora stated, a smug expression on her face.

"Yes!" Jonah exclaimed a little too loudly, causing nearby tables to turn their heads. "Pay up," he laughed and held his hands out to the two senior girls.

Grumbling, Maggie leaned over and ruffled through her bag, eventually finding some cash and heading it over to Jonah with an exasperated sigh. He focused his attention solely on Nick then, who was shaking her head in disbelief. "Your cash, ma'am," he joked.

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