Chapter :- 14

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Brian's look

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Brian's look.....

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling streets of Mumbai, Brian found himself standing outside the imposing facade of Hotel Grand Palace, Vikrant's chosen venue for the evening's festivities. With a sense of anticipation tingling in his veins, he made his way inside, the grandeur of the surroundings enveloping him like a familiar embrace.

Vikrant greeted him with a warm smile, his eyes alight with genuine pleasure at Brian's arrival. "my friend, I'm so glad you could make it," he exclaimed, clasping Brian's hand in a firm handshake. Brian returned the gesture, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as he took in Vikrant's dapper appearance.

Dressed in an all-black ensemble that set him apart from the colorful array of guests, Brian cut a striking figure amidst the crowd. His keen eyes didn't miss the subtle glances and lingering stares directed his way, particularly from a group of women who seemed to be whispering among themselves.

Vikrant sidled up to Brian, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he leaned in close. "Brian, on the second floor, we have all the necessities for people like us," he murmured, his tone laced with innuendo. "From liquid intoxicants to walking intoxicants," he added with a wink.

Brian offered a vague smile in response, his expression betraying none of the amusement that danced in Vikrant's eyes. Though he appreciated Vikrant's offer, he preferred to keep a clear head, especially in such volatile surroundings.

Before Brian could respond, a vivacious young woman approached, her movements fluid and graceful as she introduced herself. "Hi there, I'm Kashmeera," she purred, her voice dripping with confidence. "I'm a model, you know. Don't be surprised if you see me in any upcoming movie," she added with a proud toss of her hair.

Brian observed her carefully, noting the air of entitlement that surrounded her like a shimmering aura. As she drew closer, her words took on a more suggestive tone, her lips brushing against his ear as she spoke. "I've heard you came here alone," she whispered, her breath warm against his skin. "If you need an accomplice, on the dance floor or elsewhere or maybe on your bed you can call me anytime," she added, her gaze lingering on his face for a moment before she sauntered away.

Brian watched her retreating figure with a mixture of amusement and irritation, his thoughts swirling with a myriad of emotions. While he was no stranger to the allure of casual encounters, there was something about Kashmeera's brazen approach that rubbed him the wrong way.

Just then, Vikrant appeared at his side once more, accompanied by three scantily clad women who giggled and flirted shamelessly as they approached. "Brian, my friend, I have a gift for you," Vikrant declared, his voice barely audible over the pulsating beat of the music.

With a flourish, he passed the women onto Brian, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he awaited Brian's reaction. However, Brian's response was not what Vikrant had anticipated. Instead of embracing the women's advances, Brian merely gave them a curt nod before stepping away, his expression unreadable.

As the women exchanged puzzled glances, Vikrant's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his features. He had expected Brian to welcome the attention with open arms, but it seemed that his friend had other ideas.

Turning away from the scene, Brian made his way to the edge of the room, his mind buzzing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. While he was grateful for Vikrant's hospitality, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within.

For Brian was a man of many faces, a master of disguise who thrived in the shadows of society. Yet, beneath the façade of charm and confidence, there lurked a code of honor that guided his every action. And while he may have been tempted by the allure of the women who surrounded him, he refused to compromise his principles for the sake of fleeting pleasure.

As Brian was stepping away from the bustling crowd, lost in his thoughts, a sudden collision jolted him back to the present moment. Before he could react, icy liquid splattered across his sleek black suit, staining the fabric and sending a ripple of annoyance through him.

Turning towards the source of the disturbance, Brian found himself face to face with a nervous-looking waiter, his eyes wide with fear as he stammered out an apology. "I-I'm so sorry, sir," the waiter stuttered, his hands trembling as he gestured towards a nearby room. "Please, come with me. There's a room where you can clean yourself up. I'll get your coat cleaned right away."

Brian nodded in understanding, his irritation tempered by the waiter's obvious distress. With a resigned sigh, he followed the waiter towards the designated room, his mind already calculating the damage to his suit and the inconvenience of having to change.

Entering the dimly lit room, Brian was greeted by the sight of a spacious bathroom, its pristine marble surfaces a stark contrast to the chaos of the party outside. With a grateful nod to the waiter, Brian made his way towards the sink, rolling up his sleeves


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