Chapter:- 12

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In the dimly lit ambiance of the club, a mysterious fog draped the air, creating an atmosphere thick with intrigue. At a corner table, a man of striking Greek god-like features sat, holding a glass of wine as though it were a scepter. His posture exuded an air of royalty, commanding attention from those around him. A blonde, captivated and shamelessly transfixed, couldn't tear her gaze away.

With a calculated allure, she approached, brandy in hand, and deliberately dropped her purse, the subtle clatter echoing like an invitation. Bending provocatively, she revealed her generous assets, a deliberate move that didn't escape the keen eyes of the man known as Brian. A smirk played on his lips as he anticipated the unspoken desires behind her provocative display.

Brian, embracing the role of the puppet master, jerked her onto his lap. She perched there, like a willing prey, and began the seductive dance of unbuttoning his shirt. However, Brian, with a calculated halt, stopped her mid-motion. A smirk played on his lips as he locked eyes with her, acknowledging the unquenchable thirst in her gaze.

A silent staring contest ensued, a battle of desires simmering in the foggy surroundings. The blonde, yearning to be touched, unleashed her wild side, sucking on Brian's neck with an almost animalistic fervor. But just as quickly as the passion ignited, Brian pushed her away, standing up and leaving without a word, leaving her in a state of unfulfilled longing.

Witnessing Brian's abrupt departure, Marco, a companion in the shadows, couldn't help but follow. Teasingly, he remarked, "Bro, why so cruel?"

As they strolled through the vibrant streets of NYC, the city lights providing a stark contrast to the earlier dimly lit club, Brian responded with a smile, "I don't like my food served on my plate; I like to hunt"

Marco, not one to be easily deterred, shot back, "Waiting for the time when someone does the same to you."

In the midst of their banter, a sudden interruption came in the form of Brian's ringing phone. Answering the call, he discovered it was none other than his grandfather on the other end. "My dear son, I want you to meet me at my office. We have something important to tell you. Pack your bags; we have a surprise waiting for you."

The abrupt shift in tone and the unexpected phone call added a layer of complexity to the narrative. As Brian and Marco continued their conversation amid the city lights, the reader was left with an eagerness to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.


As Brian traversed through the stately halls of his ancestral home, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The walls echoed with the hallowed whispers of familial history, and the ambient light cast a soft glow on the polished surfaces. The air held a certain gravitas, hinting at conversations that could alter the course of Brian's life.

As he reached a door, ornate and imposing, he hesitated briefly before stepping into a room that seemed more akin to a study. The rich mahogany shelves lined with aged books, the antique desk bathed in a pool of warm light – it was a sanctuary of knowledge and decisions.

Brian's grandfather, a figure of authority and wisdom, greeted him with open arms. The old man enveloped Brian in a hug, the embrace carrying a mixture of familial warmth and a hint of concealed revelations. "I have a surprise for you," his grandfather declared, his voice a blend of affection and something yet unspoken.

In response, Brian remained silent, a stoic expression masking the curiosity that danced in his eyes. He chose to let the old man unfold the surprise at his own pace, respecting the rhythm of the unfolding conversation.

The old man, with a glint of anticipation in his eyes, continued, "I want you to go to India, handle our business there." The words hung in the room, laden with implications and a gravity that demanded acknowledgment.

Brian, astute and perceptive, immediately sensed the underlying currents. This wasn't merely a familial directive; it was a chess move in the intricate game of family politics. The unspoken agenda became clear – his uncles, seeing him as a potential threat to their own sons, sought to send him away, far from the familial stronghold, to ensure control of the grounds.

In the midst of these realizations, the old man, his grandfather, probed Brian's thoughts. "So, what do you have to say?" There was a paternal concern in his gaze, a yearning for understanding etched in the lines of his face.

Brian, a master of keeping his emotions guarded, nodded his head in acknowledgment. His silence, a potent response, spoke volumes about the understanding that passed between them – a recognition of the familial dynamics at play and the unspoken chess moves on the board.

Without uttering a single word, Brian turned on his heels and left the room. The air was thick with the weight of unspoken decisions, and the sound of the door closing echoed like a final punctuation mark.

As Brian walked away, his grandfather stood there, watching his back with a sense of pride. There was an unspoken acknowledgment between the generations, a passing of the torch in the intricate dance of family legacy and responsibility.

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