Chapter:- 16

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After the vibrant sangeet dance, Ayesha felt overwhelmed. The dazzling display of music and dance, the joyful clapping, and the colorful attire of the performers were all new to her. She had grown up in a conservative Muslim background and had never witnessed such an extravagant celebration. The sangeet, a pre-wedding tradition filled with dance and music, was a sensory overload.

Her eyes wide with wonder, Ayesha couldn't tear her gaze away from the spectacle. It was a world so different from her own, where celebrations were more subdued and intimate. The openness, the exuberance, and the sheer scale of the event were almost too much for her to take in all at once. She felt a mix of awe and slight discomfort, her conservative upbringing clashing with the vivid display before her.

As the final beats of the music faded and the dancers took their bows to raucous applause, Ayesha found herself standing in stunned silence. Somya noticed her friend’s dazed expression and gently touched her arm, bringing her back to the present.

"Are you okay?" Somya asked, concern lacing her voice. She knew this experience was far outside Ayesha’s usual realm.

Ayesha nodded slowly, her eyes still wide. "It’s just...a lot," she admitted. "I’ve never seen anything like this before."

After the dance, Somya excused herself from Ayesha, as her mother called her to meet some relatives. Left alone, Ayesha felt a wave of discomfort wash over her. The grandeur of the Grandpalace Hotel and the unfamiliar faces around her intensified her anxiety. She stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do next, her eyes darting around the room. The lively conversations and laughter felt overwhelming, and she longed for the reassuring presence of her friend. Taking a deep breath, Ayesha decided to find a quiet corner where she could collect her thoughts and regain her composure.

After what felt like half an hour, Somya returned, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry, yrr. I have to meet one more aunt," she explained. Concerned for Ayesha, she suggested, "Listen, I know you must be panicking alone. Our family has a room here. Come, you can rest in my room."

Ayesha hesitated, but Somya insisted, sensing her discomfort. "It's fine, I'm enjoying here," Ayesha replied, trying to mask her unease.

"I know you're uncomfortable, baby," Somya persisted, gently. "Go to the second corner, third room from the left. I'll come in 30 minutes."

Ayesha, after waking in the hallway, felt a sense of unease as she navigated through the crowd of drunk men and women. Swiftly finding a room, she entered, her heart pounding with relief. As she took in the sight of the room, her unease melted away, replaced by awe. The room was luxurious, with plush furnishings and soft lighting that enveloped her in warmth.

Dropping her chunni onto the bed, she sat down, feeling the softness beneath her. Unable to contain her excitement, she giggled and bounced on the bed, reveling in the comfort. "Wow, it's so soft!" she exclaimed, her laughter echoing in the quiet room.

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