Chapter:- 18

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After Ayesha and her friend hurriedly
left, Vikrant turned to Brian, his expression a mix of concern and accusation. "What the hell happened, man? What did you do to her?" he demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.

Brian's frustration boiled over as he ran his hands through his hair, his agitation palpable. "Isn't she the girl you sent to me?" he retorted angrily, his words laced with irritation. "She was the friend of one of my relatives. She must have misunderstood your room for another."

Vikrant's eyes widened in alarm, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. "Please, tell me you haven't done anything," he pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "I know her from Somya. She's a nice girl."

Brian's temper flared as he snapped back, his patience wearing thin. "Can you shut up for a moment? Screw you and your party," he spat, his frustration evident in his tone. "I just grabbed her wrist, and she started crying like a baby."

Vikrant recoiled at Brian's words, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. He struggled to comprehend how a simple misunderstanding could escalate so quickly.

Brian shook his head in exasperation, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Who knows?" he muttered, his voice bitter. "Maybe she's just a drama queen looking for attention."

But even as he spoke the words, doubts nagged at Brian's mind. Something about the girl's reaction didn't sit right with him. Despite his tough exterior, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than meets the eye.

As Vikrant tried to process the situation, a sense of unease settled over him. He had never seen Brian lose his cool like this before, and the implications of his actions weighed heavily on his conscience. "I'll...I'll talk to her," he promised, his voice strained with uncertainty. "I'll make sure she's okay."

Brian's retort cut through the tension like a knife, his words dripping with frustration and disdain. "Do whatever you wanna do," he spat, his jaw clenched as he shrugged on his coat, the fabric rustling loudly in the quiet room. With a swift motion, he pulled out his phone, barking orders to his men to prepare his car in the parking lot.

Vikrant watched in silence, his expression unreadable as Brian stormed out of the room. He nodded in response, but his thoughts were elsewhere, consumed by the image of Ayesha's teary eyes. As much as he tried to push it aside, her distress lingered in the back of his mind.

Veiled Desires: A Mafia Romance in the Shadows"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن