Friends? Best friends!

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Apologies to my dear readers for delaying this episode due to my busy schedule! But I am back and will try to post as consistently as possible so continue showing your support! Thank you~ 🤍

Entering the room, Ivy saw Madeline at a distance, feeling nothing but hatred in that moment. Walking closer, with Tyler by her side, Madeline noticed them and wore a practiced, picture-perfect smile.

"Hello, Ivy. It's so good to see you after such a long time," she said, sweetness dripping from her words.

"It's so nice to see you too," Ivy replied with a genuine yet sarcastic smile.

As they shook hands, the atmosphere of the room changed, both aware that the other was up to something, yet missing crucial pieces in their assumptions. This tension intensified as they searched each other thoroughly for clues.

"Seems like you two can't be kept apart at all," Madeline commented, noticing Tyler beside Ivy.

"We are quite close now, so that should explain it," Tyler replied, jealousy flickering across Madeline's face. She forced a smile and excused herself, holding onto Tyler's arm. "Anyways, I will join you guys later. Tyler, do you want to join me?" she asked.

"I will pass. I need to stay with Ivy for a few minutes," Tyler said gently, removing his arm from her grip. Madeline forced a smile and left, whispering to Ivy, "Wait for it, Ivy. This night will be the night of your heartbreak."

Tyler had to take a call and excused himself, leaving Ivy feeling suffocated. Spotting a balcony in the distance, she headed there, overhearing a few girls mention her name.

"Ivy is so shameless, first she gets together with Dave and leaves him, and now her new target is Tyler."

"I heard they are working together."

"Maybe she intentionally did that to trap him."

Feeling the weight of their assumptions, Ivy sighed and walked towards the balcony. The cold wind brushed against her skin, but even in such a dreamy ambiance, she couldn't shake her thoughts of Dave.

We often are destined to meet many people, but not all are destined to stay. And the ones meant to stay will find their way back to you again and again.

Buried in her thoughts, Ivy heard footsteps approaching. Slowly turning back, she saw Dave standing there.

"Ivy," he called out, disbelief evident in his voice. Ivy cautiously approached him, asking, "Is it really you?"

"Yes! If you don't believe me, slap me—" he began before being interrupted by a slap from Ivy. "It is really you!" she exclaimed, excitedly.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to slap me," he joked, caressing his cheek. After a moment of silence, they embraced each other in a long-awaited hug. "I missed you so much," Ivy said, breaking the hug.

"Oh, I definitely missed you more," Dave replied.

For Ivy, Dave was the one destined to find his way back to her, no matter what.

Settling down, they continued to gaze outside from the balcony. "So, how are you?" Dave asked Ivy.

"I am great!" Ivy replied.

"Of course, you are. You've become your boyfriend's photographer," Dave teased, nudging Ivy. Ivy chuckled and looked at Dave with pitiful eyes. "You didn't get a girl?" she inquired.

Dave looked up, tears welling in his eyes. "You know, Ivy, in these 10 years, every girl I ever met gave me a glimpse of Luna, but they weren't her. I can't see Dave with someone else that is not Luna, so I just never tried," he confessed.

"I miss her with every breath, I miss her with every heartbeat," he continued, wiping away his tears. "I know it's a bit too cheesy, but I can't help it."

"No, it's not. It's beautiful," Ivy reassured him, then remembered something. "Dave, there is something that belongs to you." She retrieved a letter from her clutch and handed it to him. "Luna wanted you to have this."

Excitedly, Dave opened the letter to read it

"Beloved Dave,

I hope this letter reaches you, knowing how forgetful Ivy is. If it did, I want you to know one and only thing first: it was not your fault.

Them bullying me or my death, none of it was your fault. All you did was love me, care for me. I am so sorry that I couldn't be brave enough to confess to you a long time ago. The truth is, I have liked you ever since Ivy introduced me to you, but I thought maybe you deserved something better.

If only I was brave enough to live, I would have run to you to tell you how much I love you. Maybe not in this life, but in the next life, let's meet again. But this time, let's be best friends, marry each other, have 2 kids, and buy a house. Let's also keep Ivy with us because I don't know who else will.

I love you and always will, so grow successful and become someone everyone is proud of. I will be waiting for you here and cheering you...always.

Yours truly,

Dave started bawling reading the letter, falling on his knees and cursing their fate. Ivy immediately bent down to console him. "Why?! Why is destiny so cruel to us?!" he exclaimed. Ivy didn't have an answer for it because it was cruel to her as well.

There are few things in life that happen against our will and at times feel unfair. But trust your fate as it is yours and will not always be cruel to you. Be patient; things will come around your way, they always do...

You,Me and the Past Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя