The Reason (Pt.2)

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Tears streamed down Ivy and Dave's faces as they raced towards Luna's house. Upon arrival, they found a crowd gathered outside the building. Ignoring the commotion, they hurried upstairs to Luna's apartment. Inside, they encountered a heart-wrenching scene—a woman and a man were crying while the police tried to comfort them.

"Aunty Edna?" Ivy called out, and the woman looked up, embracing Ivy tightly. "Ivy! Luna, she left us!" Aunty Edna sobbed harder. Ivy was speechless, her tears conveying her anguish. Dave's heart sank; he desperately wished it was all just a nightmare.

"Excuse me?" The police officer addressed Ivy. "May I know your relation with Luna?" Ivy wanted to see Luna, but the officer advised against it, concerned it might be too distressing. Ivy turned to Dave, who was numb, his tears dried up. He couldn't accept that Luna was gone. Ivy approached him, but before she could speak, Dave interrupted, consumed by guilt.

"It's's because of me," Dave confessed, looking at Ivy with remorse. "They bullied and harassed her, and I saw it but did nothing. I should've told you, Ivy." He cried, kneeling before her, overwhelmed by shame. Ivy didn't know how to respond; she simply stood there, crying.

As everything seemed to fall apart around them, Ivy looked at the chaos, searching for where things went wrong. Had she failed to see Luna's pain? Had she ignored the fake smile Luna wore? These questions tormented her as she struggled to comprehend the loss of her dear friend.

It had been two days since that incident, and heartbroken Ivy had neglected her health a lot. Ivy's parents are worried that if she continues, it might lead to a severe illness. Dave had isolated himself in his house for the past two days, not eating or communicating with anyone. He punished himself. Meanwhile, Edna and her husband decided to leave the town and go far away. They requested that the police keep the investigation as close as possible to avoid getting in the eye of anyone.

Ivy was sitting on the swing of the nearby playground, lost in deep thoughts. That's when Tyler approached her. "Hey!" He greeted her as she looked up at him blankly. Tyler quickly noticed her swollen eyes and weak state. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked, and Ivy stared at him blankly. Not wanting to talk to anyone, Ivy got up and was about to leave when Tyler called her, "Ivy, I want to tell you something." She stopped and slowly turned back. Tyler held out a rose and handed it to her.

Holding her hand, he confessed, "Ivy, I really like you. I know now may not be the time since you are not well. But whatever the reason, let me take care of you; let me be your shoulder to cry upon; I know you feel the same too." He was interrupted by ivy. "No! I don't feel the same, so don't search for me or try to contact me." As much as it gutted Tyler, it killed ivy inside too. She wanted him to know how she felt, but situations didn't allow her. She didn't want him to get tangled up with her, so she let him down, as that would hurt less.

Ivy snatched her hand out of his, making the rose fall to the ground. Stepping on it, she went away, leaving Tyler in tears.

Picking up the crushed rose, Ivy teared up. After Tyler left, she came back for the rose. It had become very precious to her; she wanted to keep it with her forever. Suddenly, she felt her tap on the shoulder. She looked up to see Luna's brother.

"Before I go, I want to tell you something and also give you something." He handed her two letters, which he had kept safe with him. "This is written by Luna for you; she didn't kill herself; they did." "Who are they?" Ivy said it with rage visible in her eyes.

Day before the incident

Brushing her hair while looking in the mirror, Madeline admired herself. Beautiful, graceful, young, and charming are some words she uses to describe herself. Suddenly, she saw Luna standing behind her in the mirror. Turning back, she saw there was no one else in her room. Breathe racing, she looked back at the mirror, this time seeing Luna instead of herself.

"Aren't you beautiful?" The reflection of Luna said, "But alas, you aren't as beautiful as me." It laughed at her. In rage and jealousy, she hit the mirror with the comb and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her brother, Victor, heard her and rushed to her room. He saw her sitting with a bleeding hand on the floor, and the glass shattered around her. He immediately went to pick her up and tied his handkerchief around her hand. "What is wrong with you?" Victor asked, "Can you do me a favor?" Madeline asked with an unusual tone, while her face didn't show any expression. Victor nods. "I want you to destroy Luna Flores; I want her to suffer; I want her to die a bit by bit every single day; I want her to feel pain in every moment; I want it."

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