Smile for the picture

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Sitting at a café, Ivy finishes explaining her reasoning to Tyler, her words hanging heavy with the truth she's been carrying. Tyler's eyes widen with comprehension, realizing the depth of the crime that has taken place.

"But then why didn't you do anything about it?" Tyler asks.

"You know, Tyler, if everyone in this world was honest and not greedy, maybe today this world would have been a happier place," Ivy replies, sipping her tea.

Tyler sighs, disappointed. "And what about the debt my mom is in to Adnexa Innovation? We have to pay that anyway, right?"

"Luxeline doesn't owe Adnexa a dime," Ivy explains calmly. "Your father took the debt from Mr. Anderson in a very private contract and paid him before his death. The debt doesn't exist; it's a scam. Your mother is threatened – either she pays the huge amount or marries you off to Madeline."

"Madeline is one spoiled brat!" Tyler grits his teeth.

Ivy nods solemnly. "Exactly. She's not just some spoiled brat. She's dangerous, Tyler. She's tormented Luna since high school out of sheer jealousy. It's sickening what she's capable of."

Tyler's jaw clenches in anger as he processes Ivy's words. "I had no idea it was this bad," he admits, feeling a mix of guilt and determination stirring within him. "But what about Adrian and Dave? Are they involved in all of this?"

Ivy's expression softens as she speaks of her friends. "Dave... I miss him every day. After that incident, he disappeared. I haven't been able to find him or even hear from him since. And Adrian, he's like a brother to me. He's been by my side through it all. He's a talented hacker now, helping me uncover the truth. And he's been learning photography with me too."

Tyler listens intently, his heart aching for Ivy's losses. "I'm sorry, Ivy," he says sincerely. "But I'm glad you have Adrian with you. We'll get through this together."

Before they can delve deeper into their conversation, Tyler's phone rings, interrupting the moment. It's Andrew, his voice urgent and concerned. "Tyler, we have a problem," he says tersely. "The security footage from the office was deleted by an unidentified source."

Tyler looks at Ivy, who subtly signals that she did it. Tyler nods and tries to explain to Andrew, "Andrew, listen, I want you to calm down. Don't tell any higher-ups about this; let this one slide and call Adrian, okay? He will explain things. Also, when he does, take care of him."

Confused, Andrew agrees.

Meanwhile, unknown to them, a shadowy figure watches them as they unfold their sins with each passing moment. The stakes are higher than ever, and the game of cat and mouse has only just begun.

As Ivy's instincts kick in, she subtly scans their surroundings, her eyes narrowing as she catches sight of a man discreetly observing them.

A mischievous smirk plays on her lips, her mind already formulating a plan. Tyler, oblivious to Ivy's sudden shift in behaviour, fidgets nervously under her gaze, unsure of what's happening.

Feeling Tyler's tension, Ivy gently reaches out and places her hand on his, her touch sending a jolt of warmth through him. "You seem a bit on edge, Tyler. Is everything alright?" she asks sweetly, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she steals another glance at the lurking man who, as expected, is now taking pictures of them.

Tyler's heart races as Ivy's hand lingers on his, her sweetness causing him to rethink his life choices. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," he stammers, trying to regain his composure. But as Ivy moves closer to him,

Subtly shifting their position to appear more intimate, Tyler's mind goes blank, overwhelmed by Ivy's proximity. Ivy smoothly slides into the seat beside him, resting her head on his shoulder with practiced ease. "Just relax, Tyler," she murmurs softly, her voice a soothing melody in his ears. "Act natural, we are just two people on a date."

Tyler's pulse quickens as Ivy's warmth envelops him, struggling to keep up with his emotions. "There are eyes on us, try making it seem normal," Ivy suggests, shooting him a smile. Tyler understands and smiles back, love pouring from his eyes.

A genuine moment of connection blooms between them, catching them off guard. Their eyes meet, sparking with unspoken understanding and a hint of something more. "Is he gone?" Tyler asks, breaking the moment.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I think he left," Ivy quickly responds, pulling back. Tyler notices her nervousness and smiles in satisfaction. "You're a good actor; somebody would have actually thought you loved me or something," Ivy chuckles nervously.

"But I do," Tyler says, catching Ivy off guard. "What?" She asks, as Tyler chuckles and adds, "I was just kidding," though he knows he wasn't.

Meanwhile, in a far less pleasant setting, Madeline seethes with jealousy and rage as she receives the incriminating photos of Ivy and Tyler. "They were also spotted going shopping together and having dinner yesterday. Later that night, they disappeared and were found again in the café this morning," the spy informs Madeline.

Enraged, she couldn't bear to see someone else with Tyler. Tearing the photograph, she throws it into the fireplace. "Madeline dear, don't worry, he will be yours soon, have some patience," her father tries to calm her down.

"He is mine; I will show Ivy her place. I will show Ivy where she belongs."

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