A Date...?

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Leaning against my car, I waited for Ivy outside her apartment building. Then, a text from Andrew popped up: "Just letting you know we may get the footage by today so brace yourself!" The case had been on my mind since we discovered the error was deliberate. And now, with another mystery - the letter in Ivy's room - things were getting even more tangled.

The click-clack of heels announced Ivy's arrival. I turned to see her, mesmerized by her floral midi dress, a new sight for me.i could just look at her all day without moving a single muscle."Shall we go?" she asked with a blush. "Huh? Oh yeah, let's go," I said, opening the car door for her.

Driving in silence, I racked my brain for conversation topics, because the silence was a bit awkward for me as for her she was just comfortably enjoying the moment. "Where are we going exactly?" Ivy broke the silence. "Just a boutique I know," I replied. "Aren't boutiques expensive? Honestly, I'm on a budget," she said with concern. "Don't worry, I'm gifting this to you," I said proudly. "Are you crazy? Why would you? Please, it's okay, I really don't need it," she insisted.

"Don't worry, you know Daniel? Our old photographer? I used to gift him many things after a successful shoot, so it's normal for me," I lied, I never gave Daniel even a candy as gift. She sighed and fell silent. "I'll take that as an okay," I said. "Thank you!" she said, smiling.

As Ivy browsed through the dresses, her graceful movements captivated me. I pretended to inspect a nearby mannequin, trying to act casual. Suddenly, Ivy turned around, holding a dress, catching me staring. "Um, Tyler, is this... good?" she asked, handing me the dress. "Yeah, of course!" I stammered, rushing over to take it. But in my haste, I accidentally bumped into a clothing rack, making it wobble.

Ivy gasped and steadied the rack, her hand brushing against mine. For a moment, our eyes met, and I felt a jolt of electricity. Quickly, I looked away, my heart pounding.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Ivy chuckled softly, her laughter is music to my ears. "It's okay, nothing was harmed. Besides, it's not every day you get to see a top model causing chaos in a boutique," she teased, her tone lightening the mood. Grinning sheepishly, I was relieved that Ivy didn't seem too upset. Together, we managed to hang the dress back on its rack, our fingers brushing against each other's once again.

As we continued our search for the perfect dress, I couldn't shake the feeling of warmth spreading through me. Maybe this awkward moment was just what we needed to break the ice and forge a deeper connection, or perhaps I was just being delusional and all of this was just a mere coincidence... I preferred to stay delusional.

Now it was time for the most crucial part of our shopping spree - trying out dresses. "You know, Ivy, as a model, I take this part very seriously," I declared. "Do you think I don't as a photographer?" She said with a smirk. We shook hands and let the game begin!

"Too bold!" "Too plain!" "The colour is weird!" "The pattern ain't it!" "Just a no." "What even is that?!" "Skip!" "We can do better!" "I can't even-"

After such absurd remarks about ridiculous dresses, I almost gave up. They were all okay but not perfect. "How is this one?" Ivy asked as I turned and paused. It was a wine red satin dress which fit her like a glove. I gulped hard before clearing my throat. "I think we found it," I said while trying to breathe normally. "Really? It's good?" She asked while checking herself in the mirror. "It's amazing," I replied while looking at her through the mirror as she shot a smile at me.

Now it was time for my shopping. I chose to go with a shirt and some trousers, not too formal, not too casual.

As I browsed through the racks of suits, searching for the perfect shirt for the reunion, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through me. Ivy stood beside me, offering occasional suggestions and opinions as I held up various shirts and trousers.

"Maybe try something in navy blue," Ivy suggested, her eyes scanning the display and racks.

I nodded, appreciating her input. I grabbed a navy blue shirt and held it up in front of me, turning this way and that to get Ivy's opinion.

"Hmm, not bad," she remarked, her gaze lingering on me. "But maybe something a bit darker?"

My heart skipped a beat at the way Ivy's eyes lingered on me, her subtle approval making me feel like I was walking on air.

"How about this?" I asked, turning to face Ivy with a hopeful expression. "Looks good, you should try it out," she said.

I went in and changed into the outfit we chose. "Ivy, I don't know, maybe it is good but just not on me," I said as I came out and saw Ivy just in awe. "This doesn't look good on you? Are you kidding me? It's made for you," she complimented.

A surge of confidence swelled within me, fueled by Ivy's genuine compliment. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence by my side.

"Thanks, Ivy," I said, turning to face her with a grateful smile. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Ivy returned my smile, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anytime, Tyler. After all, we've got to make sure you make a good impression at the reunion, right?"

As we shared a lighthearted laugh, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over me. With Ivy by my side, I knew that no matter what outfit I chose, I would feel confident and ready to take on the world.

It was already dinner time when our shopping spree ended, so I mustered up the courage to ask Ivy if she'd join me for dinner. She seemed conflicted at first, but eventually agreed. We headed to one of my all-time favorite restaurants.

"This place looks expensive. I might be underdressed for this," Ivy said, her face filled with worry."Don't worry, Ivy. Despite its fancy appearance, this place is actually quite humble," I reassured her.

We ordered our food and wine, diving into conversation. "By the way, who are you most excited to meet at the reunion?" I asked."Madeline Anderson," she replied without hesitation.

"Oh! Well, I didn't expect that," I remarked, genuinely surprised. Out of all the people she could meet, she wanted to meet Madeline. It was odd, to say the least.

After a few chit-chats, our order arrived. "I usually don't go out like this on workdays, but thanks to you, I got an extra holiday," I thanked her.

"There's nothing to thank me for. It's all thanks to you and your amazing team that made it possible," she replied with a smile.

As we started eating, I couldn't shake the urge to confess my feelings to her. Maybe I could tell her now. "Ivy, there is something I want to tell you—" I began, only to be interrupted by a sudden phone call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Tyler, where are you?" Andrew's voice sounded rushed and urgent. "I'm out having dinner with Ivy," I replied."Listen to me, I need you to calmly listen and understand," Andrew said, his tone almost worried. "What is it?" I asked, feeling a rush of curiosity."The footage just came in, and I recognized the person who was in the video," Andrew informed me.

My heart pounded in my chest. "Who is it?" I asked, bracing myself for his answer.

"It's Ivy."

You,Me and the Past जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें