Drunk call

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Author's note:
Hey Readers! If you guys are liking this series so far, please do vote for it and also follow me on Instagram @quillandruth 😃🤍
I hope you enjoy the read! 🥰✨

"Home sweet home!" I exclaimed and stretched out on my sofa, feeling the weight of the week lift from my shoulders. After our final day, we departed early the next morning, and Ivy dropped me off at my doorstep. To be honest, this week seemed to pass by faster than I expected; it's already Saturday evening.

"I'm bored," I groaned, collapsing onto the sofa, "but I'm too tired to do anything else."

I rose from the sofa and prepared a quick dinner, pondering, "Should I have a drink?" With no work awaiting me tomorrow... why not!

(Author's POV)

He drank, and drank some more until the room spun, and the expected happened – he was drunk. The emptiness of the room, only magnified Tyler's yearning for companionship. Being alone had become his norm, but even in his intoxicated haze, he couldn't shake the desire for someone, anyone.

Meanwhile, Ivy buried herself in work in her room, meticulously scrutinizing each picture of Tyler to ensure only the best ones were selected. Rubbing her tired eyes, she was suddenly interrupted by a ringing phone.

"Hello?" she answered.

"You picked up my call!" came Tyler's excited voice. "Did you need anything? Why is did you call? Is everything alright?" Ivy was bombarded with questions.

"Everything is fine. I didn't need anything... more like I needed anyone," Tyler confessed. "You mean somebody," Ivy chuckled.

"If somebody is you, then yes, I needed somebody. I need somebody," Tyler's voice oozed with honey, causing Ivy's nerves to flutter.

"Tyler, are you drunk?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Tyler gasped, "How did you know?"

"You're drunk?! And alone?! Where are you?!" Ivy exclaimed, jumping out of her chair.

"My palace, princess," Tyler replied in a husky voice, causing Ivy's eyes to widen. She took a few deep breaths before responding, "You should go to sleep; you seem tired," Ivy suggested.

"No, I don't want to sleep," Tyler whined like a child, leaving Ivy in disbelief at the transformation from the confident man she knew just moments ago.

"Ivy, can I tell you a secret?" Tyler whispered, as Ivy sighed and sank onto her bed. "Yes, go ahead," she encouraged.

"I am very lonely. All the glamour in the magazines, all the fame and money... it's not mine. It's Model Tyler Grant's. I'm just a mere puppet for my mother to live her dreams. All I've ever wanted was for my mom to be happy after I saw her broken after my father's death," Tyler confessed, his voice thick with emotion. "Tyler, I don't think we should talk about this," Ivy suggested, understanding that now was not the time.

"Ivy... do I... bother you?" Tyler's voice wavered, his vulnerability on display.

Ivy's face remained impassive. "No, Tyler, you never bothered me," she assured him.

"Then why did you push me away?" he implored.

Sometimes, many questions remain unanswered, or we know the answers but refuse to accept them. Why did Ivy push him away? She knew the answer, but she couldn't bring herself to accept it, as doing so would mean admitting she made the wrong decision. But for her, it was the best decision she could make at that time.

"Tyler, I never wanted to push you away, but a few things happened that created barriers between us. I did what was best for you, which was to push you away from me and create distance. But destiny had other plans. You don't deserve to be entangled in my life; one day, you might lose your way out. So, it's better this way," Ivy answered, her heart heavy.

"I don't care if I am entangled. All I care about is that it's with you. All I want is to be with you," Tyler's voice faded, indicating that he had passed out.

Ivy ended the call and stared blankly into space, contemplating, "I finally have everything in place, just one piece, and all my efforts will be a success. Unfortunately, Tyler has become a part of it... a very

Sunday, a day when the world finally exhales after a long week. While this day brings blessings for many, for Tyler, it arrives as a curse due to his impulsive decision to drink.

"My head is spinning!" Tyler groaned in agony, unable to recall anything from the blackout. Checking his phone for any regrettable texts, he sighed with relief finding none. Yet, the phone's light worsened his headache, prompting him to close his eyes until interrupted by a call.

(Tyler's POV)


"What are you up to?" Andrew's voice cut through the haze. "Morning, Andrew! Just woke up," I mumbled. "Morning? It's 2 pm," Andrew's reminder jolted me upright. "What?!" I exclaimed, checking the time. "Did you drink last night?" Andrew asked knowingly. "Yeah, but not excessively," I admitted, surveying the aftermath in my living room. "Looks like I may have overdone it," I sighed, resigning myself to a cleaning spree.

"Well, you called me last night, but I was already asleep. Why the call?" Andrew's question left me bewildered. "I called?" Doubt crept in as I scrolled through recent contacts, spotting Ivy's name. "Why did I call Ivy?!" I blurted out. "Drunk dial?" Andrew teased. "Oh, shut up. I didn't do that. I've got to go. Bye," I hastily ended the call, immediately dialing Ivy.


"Ivy! Did I call you last night?" I blurted out. After a brief silence, she confirmed, "Yes, but I didn't pick up. I turned in early." Relief washed over me. "Okay, just a pocket dial. Sorry about that," I explained. "No worries! I'll keep an eye out," Ivy reassured before ending the call. Luck was on my side; who knows what nonsense I might have spouted if she had answered.

After tidying up and grabbing lunch, I lay on my bed pondering my next move, only to be interrupted by another call.


"Hey, Tyler! I need to discuss something with you," Andrew's tone was serious. "Sure, shoot," I replied. "Remember the contract we made a few months back with Adnexa Innovations?" he prompted. "Yeah, what about it?" I inquired. "Well, we suspect someone unauthorized may have a copy of it," he revealed. Memories of the chaos it caused in management flooded back.

"Yes, but we couldn't find any concrete proof. Even the CCTV footage had errors, so we let it go," I recalled. "True, but security recently discovered that the errors were intentional, not technical glitches. It was a cover-up," Andrew explained. "Have you informed anyone else?" I asked. "No, I'm keeping it under wraps until I have more information. I'll handle it personally, but I wanted to keep you in the loop as a company representative," he assured. "Okay, let me know once you uncover the culprit," I requested. "Will do," Andrew confirmed before hanging up.

A hacker, a thief—sounds like a coordinated effort. But why haven't they used the information yet? What's their plan?

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