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A week later ~

Yuri pov

"So, how did it go?" I turned around to look at Maria , preparing her insulin to give a dose to the patient.

" well.." I sighed , drinking the leftover coffee from my cup "the boy family liked me and they told that we should get married ASAP" i flickered my index and middle finger in the air .

"I will come again tomorrow,okey" Maria assured the patient with her golden smile and hauled me out of the ward with her . "How about we talk this over with a pastry" pastry were my favourite and I couldn't say a no , so without wasting a second, we both went out to the cafe near by .

"One red velvet pastry and a black currant one" giving the orders , we went and occupied our usual spot . " Mari, look , it's droplets of rain" I pointed it out like a mesmerised child . It usually don't rain in California and seeing a few droplets of water from the clouds would make me hype because I love rain and that cloudy weather where we can stay in our rooms , hovering a duvet while watching some Netflix and chilling out with that Tip tip sounds of the rain chittering on the rooftops . Amazing ~

"Yes" Maria eyes twinkled as she gazed out the window , staring at the rain until she turned to look at me "rain hold memories, isn't it ?. I and liam have a special memories from rain" liam was Maria boyfriend who was going get engaged to her after she completed her MBBS studies .

"It's raining taehyungaaaa" I screamed while looking at the man who was happily drenching in the rain . " come on , it's raining heavily" finally giving up , I ran out of the shade I was standing under to get that pabo out from the rain .

"Yuhanaaa~ look it's raining" his wet hands holded my arms as he swinged me along .

"I can see it taehyung and that's what I'm screaming, it's raining and you are getting drenched, come , let's go and get you changed" I tried to pull him along with me when his hands holded my wrist firmly , making me halt on my steps .

"But why ?"

"Because you will get fever pabo "

" and why does it matter to you?"

"Become..because.." my words were cut down my throat as I gulped down the lump , taehyung fingers drum roll over my interlaced hand , I could feel the heat as he moved close, so close that our lips were inch apart, I could smell his mint lime breath . "I ..I" my words were cut off as tae soft lips brushed against mine , I was lost in those soft touch of his , his tongues interlaced .the rain was drenching us , the thunder lightning was what made him pull apart and stare at my face . My cheeks were blushed up , I could feel the heat all over my body even in the drenched state .

"I love you" those words , stopped my life , everything around me was paused , even my heart beat for a second.


"Haaa" I was jolted when Maria shook me , bringing me back from my Lala land .

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing much" the pastry were already served on the table with extra boba tea . I looked at Maria , questioning her about the drink in my sign language.

"It's from the house" she said . My eyes looked at the cafe owner to meet the old lady eyes , she passed me a heart warming smile , we were her regular costumer and she would give us some freebies sometimes."so we were talking about" Maria landed back on the topic of my engagement as she took a bite of her pastry.

I felt no longer the appetite to eat my favourite pastry as the topic of my engagement filled up my stomach.

"I'm getting married in a few weeks " I said nonchalantly as I sipped my boba where Maria spoon halted in the mid air .

It ends with us Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora