chapter 11

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Without saying anything Taehyung ran to Jungkook's room, while Jin sat there thinking about how to assure Jungkook and make him forget those words, only for him to get busy in work the next day and forget about it.

Taehyung sat beside jungkook who was sleeping peacefully. A red mark was visible on jungkook's face. Taehyung gently touched Jungkook's bruised cheek, feeling really guilty for hitting him and lying about what happened. He realized it wasn't Jungkook's fault that he was weak

Tae wanted to apologize to Jungkook immediately, but he couldn't because Jungkook was sleeping peacefully, and he didn't want to disturb him. He lay down beside Jungkook, wrapped himself in his blanket, and hugged him gently, being careful not to cause any more discomfort to his injured back.

After about an hour, Jungkook woke up and felt confused seeing Tae beside him. He thought he must be dreaming because why would Tae, who he believed hated him, be there. However, Jungkook realized he wasn't dreaming when Tae said, "Ah, Kook, finally you woke up... I've been waiting for an hour."

Jungkook became even more confused upon hearing this. He wondered why Tae would wait for him to wake up. Then, he grew scared, thinking that perhaps Tae wanted him to wake up so that he could scold him again. Jungkook sat up silently, without saying anything.

Tae also sat down and reached his hand toward Jungkook's cheek to caress it, but Jungkook flinched, thinking Tae was about to slap him again. Tae quickly withdrew his hand and said, "I'm not going to hurt you, Jungkook. I'm here to apologize. I've realized it's not your fault that I'm weak. I'm truly sorry, Jungkook."

Jungkook remained silent. Hearing Tae's sincere tone, he understood that Tae was genuinely sorry. However, he couldn't shake off the disbelief that just a few hours ago, Tae had been hurling harsh words at him, and now he was suddenly feeling guilty.

"Jungkook, please say something... I'm genuinely sorry," Tae pleaded. "Jin hyung helped me understand everything... I shouldn't have lied about the fight..... because of my lie, you got punished so badly" tears started dripping from tae's eyes.

Jungkook sighed and said "The damage is already done hyung....What will I do with your sorry? Your sorry isn't going to change anything."

"I know my sorry won't change anything... but I promise I'll never do something like this again. I'll be the best brother to you... I promise, Jungkook," Tae pledged earnestly. "And I didn't mean the hurtful words I said to you... I spoke out of anger... Please don't take them to heart."

Jungkook looked away and didn't say anything. Tae got sad when jungkook didn't say anything. Suddenly tae got an idea. He looked at jungkook with a mischievous grin and before jungkook could say anything, tae started tickling him.

Jungkook tried hard not to laugh, but because he was so ticklish, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Haha... Stop! Haha... I said, stop it! Haha," Jungkook managed to say between giggles, asking Tae to stop tickling him.

Tae grinned widely, happy to see Jungkook laughing. "First, say you forgive me, then I'll stop," Tae teased with a smirk, joining in on the laughter.

"Hey, this isn't fair... Stop it... I can't breathe! " Jungkook exclaimed amidst his laughter.

After a while, Tae stopped tickling when he noticed Jungkook having difficulty breathing. Jungkook held his stomach, and said, "Ahh, my stomach hurts from laughing."

Once Jungkook had caught his breath, Tae asked, "Kook, do you forgive me now?"

"No," Jungkook replied plainly, looking away.

"But you laughed" said tae. "Because you were ticking... That doesn't mean I forgave you" said jungkook

Tae pouted and pleaded, "Come on, Jungkook, forgive me now... You can have all my toys and video games, you can even eat all my snacks, I won't say anything. But please forgive me, Jungkook."

After Tae's continuous begging, Jungkook finally gave in and said, "Fine... I forgive you."

Tae jumped in happiness and hugged Jungkook tightly, exclaiming, "Really?"

Jungkook simply hummed and hugged him back lightly. Although he forgave Tae, he still felt bitter about the hurtful things Tae said to him. He couldn't forget the pain it caused.

The next day at school, Jungkook was organizing his locker when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw his best friend, Yeonjun. "Oh, Yeonjun! You're finally back... I missed you," Jungkook exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face. Yeonjun, his childhood friend who had gone to visit his grandparents in another city, hugged him tightly. "I missed you too, bro," Yeonjun replied. Then, noticing Jungkook's pale face, he frowned and asked, "Hey, you look really pale... Are you okay?"

"I am fine don't worry about me" said jungkook

"You are not at all looking fine....
When was the last time you fainted?" Asked yeonjun

Jungkook sighed and replied, "Yesterday."

Yeonjun looked at him worriedly "Jungkook-ah... how long are you going to deal with this alone? You've been fainting very frequently now... I think you should tell your hyungs about it," he said, expressing his concern.

Jungkook scoffed and replied, "Hyungs always find out about Tae hyung's issues without him saying anything... If they really cared about me, I wouldn't have to tell them... They'd figure it out themselves."

"But jungkook your health will get worse if you will ignore your frequent fainting.... you have to tell them" said jungkook

"They won't care... I just know it. They'll probably think I'm lying to skip my mafia training or to get their attention," Jungkook replied in a sad tone

At home, jin called tae in his room and said "I hope you realised what you did to jungkook was wrong"

Tae looked down and said "yes hyung...I realised my mistake and apologized to jungkook and he forgave me"

"It's good that he forgave you...but I am increasing your punishment.. you are getting grounded for a month... you are not allowed to go anywhere except school for a month" said jin

Tae looked at him with widened eyes and said "one month?"

Jin hummed and said "want me to increase it?" Tae immediately shook his head and said "no no... one month is enough...I will not behave like that with jungkook... I promise"

After that jin was about to go to jungkook to assure him that whatever tae said was not true but he got a call for a meeting related to some weapons and like that he forgot about jungkook, leaving the poor boy to believe that his brothers didn't really love him and whatever tae said was true

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Next part will be updated on _joonation_

To be continued

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