𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2 ✧

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Soon, it began to be hot in the elevator. He was sweating in the bear outfit. He wanted to take it off, but he couldn't. The tall man stopped banging on the door and sat down and sighed in defeat. He then focused his vision on George.

"Don't you feel hot in there?" He asks as George shakes his head. He then stood up and desperately banged on the door. It was so hot to the point the tall man was about to take off his clothes, until George stopped him.

"Don't take your clothes off!" He took his hat off as he yelled.

"Sorry." He stops. George was embarrassed as the tall man just stares at him. He noticed that George was sweating.

"Do you want me to take your suit off?" George already had clothes inside the bear suit, so he didn't mind.

"Just help me with the zipper." The tall man then walks over to George and tries to unzip the zipper, until it was stuck halfway.

"It's stuck, should I-" The door opened. George immediately ran to the bathroom and took off the suit, leaving it there. He then tried to find the exit and luckily did. He took the bus home, not wanting to remember the events that just took place.

He arrived shortly and walked through the front door. He walked the flight of stairs to his room and laid in his bed. It had already been night time and George didn't want to sleep just yet. He had to study.

He then heard a car bang outside his house and decided to take a look trough his window. He saw the same tall guy, but he was being chased. He walked the flight of stairs down to go outside and help him since he helped George in the elevator.

He walked out through the front door and he saw the tall man hiding behind a motorbike. The tall man's vision focused to George and he whispered,

"You? What are you doing here?"

"I can help you!" George said.

"No, don't. Just go inside!" George then walks up to him and made him stand up. George walks up to the motorbike which conveniently had keys and started the engine. The tall man just stood there, shocked.

"Sit." George commands. With no doubt nor questions, He sat behind George and George started driving the motorbike. He drove to an empty road with not much people and stopped there. The tall man then sits on an empty bench in pain.

"Does it pain a lot?" George asks as he turns the motorbike off. He noticed that the tall man was in pain, so he asked. The tall man nods. George walks to find the nearest medical store near the street. Luckily, he finds one and they gave him bandages and medicine. 

He then ran up to the tall man and the latter was confused.

"What is he doing?" He asked as George caught up.

"Here." He puts the bandage on his wound and the latter winces in pain. Little did George know, was that Aria had a friend who lived near that street. She drove by and saw George with another guy and called Aria, immediately.

"Take this." George gives medicine to the tall man and the latter thanks him.

"I've got to go now, my mum will be mad. Here's some money to call a taxi. See you!" He starts the engine of the motorbike and drives to his house. He then parks the motorbike somewhat near his house and walks to the front door.

He opened the door and was greeted with his mum standing, and Aria next to her.

"What's going on?" Suddenly, he felt a hard slap coming from his mum who was furious.

"Mum, why-" She slapped him again. The pain stings as his eyes were forming tears.

"What happened?" His voice was quiet now.

"You've been hanging out with boys now!"

"Huh?" She then walked the flight of stairs and got his suitcases which were already packed and threw them at George. George walks up to Aria and asks,

"A-Aria, please tell me what just happened?" He was crying.

"She kicked you out." She then left, leaving George drop on the floor, crying. He accepted his fate and grabbed his suitcases and walked out the front door. He walked to a nearby bench and slept there.

~ Next day ~

He woke up due to the sun beaming at him. He then walked to the bus stop, waiting for the bus. He was going to his dad's house since his mum just kicked him out. He called his dad while waiting for the bus.


"My dear, George. What happened?"

"Mum kicked me out of the house."

"What? How could she do that!"

"Can I stay at your place?"

"Sure, but I'm not there at the moment. The key's near the window."

"Ok, thank you." He felt relieved and ended the call, knowing he had a place to stay. The bus finally arrived and he got on, knowing he was going to miss his mum. Shortly after, he arrived at his dad's place.

He found the key near the window and unlocked the front door. Everything felt empty. He hadn't been to his dad's place for years. He then found his old room and stayed there, missing so many memories.

He still had to go to school. So, he took a shower and got ready. He still had to take care of himself and his studies. He made himself a quick sandwich and quickly went to school. He had to wait for the bus, again. He waited patiently and the bus came. He got in and waited to arrive for school.

He arrived and walked to his class. Class was boring, as always, but he listened anyway. After class, he had to go to his shift. Time passed, and George was feeling tired. It was the end of his shift and another regular day has passed.

He walked to the bus station and waited for the bus, for the 3rd time. The bus shortly came and he finally went home. When he got home, his father wasn't there. He was worried so he picked up his phone and dialed his dad's number.

He tried multiple times, but he wouldn't answer. He didn't give up. He tried, and tried. Until, an unfamiliar voice answered.

"Give me back my money, then you'll survive." He gasped in shock.

"L-Leave my dad alone!" George yells as the person on the other line just laughs.

"George! Stay there!" His dad yells as the phone cuts. George runs out of the house, curious, with tears in his eyes. He tried to call his mum and Aria, but they wouldn't pick up. He saw a bus stop and sat there.

He was crying a lot, wanting his dad to be safe. Suddenly, he saw the guy that helped him in the elevator, coming out of the previous bus.

"You?" He asked and George looked up. He then saw George crying and was shocked.

"Why are you-"

"Please, my dad isn't safe. Help me, please!" He then quickly embraces George in a hug, caressing his hair.

"Shh, I'll make sure he'll be safe." He ensures him.

"Please." George says, desperately.


1,189 words ~

W/N :: Woah, new chap in 1 day??? Crazy !!

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