𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4 ✧

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Dream ran and looked for George almost everywhere, only to find George in a distance, sitting in a bus stop, crying, with a box in his hands. He ran up to George but George didn't look at him.

"Where were you? I've been looking for you! Why are you here?" George then looks at him and replies,

"You told me to get away from you, so I did." He then grabbed George's wrist, making him stand up and Dream immediately embraces George in a hug.

"I'm sorry, George. I didn't mean it, really."

"It's okay." George and Dream then walk home together. Dream opened the door for George and George immediately goes to his room to sleep.

~ Next day ~

George had class, so he woke up early and got ready. There was already breakfast prepared, so he ate it. Both of them went to school together, but they had to separate due to different classes. Time passed, and class ended. George had to go to the library for his shift, and Dream went somewhere else.

While George was in the library, he saw someone he wouldn't expect.

"Jake?" Jake smiles.

"Hey, George. I decided to meet you in person to tell you something."

"Oh, what is it?" George was confused as Jake holds his wrist, making George sit down.

"I like you, George." Jake smiles as George was in shock.

"I didn't know how to tell you, so I decided to tell you in person." George smiles and blushes.

"I like you too, Jake." Jake holds George's hands and smiles.

"So, date next week?" Jake says as George nods in eagerness.

"I'll text you the details. See you next week, love." Jake says as he walks away. George couldn't help but just smile. Time passed, and George's shift ended. He met up with Dream and they went home together.

They took a taxi and George left the taxi first. Dream paid and the taxi drove away. While Dream was finding his keys, he noticed that George was beaming with happiness. He couldn't help but ask,

"Why are you so happy?" Dream laughs as he finally found the key and unlocked the door.

"I have a date next week!" George smiles even more. Dream's face dropped but he had to be happy for George, so he said,

"Oh, wow. Enjoy!" George then entered and Dream followed.

"Dream, can you come with me and help me buy accessories and clothes for my date next week?" Dream just nods and closes the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Just go to sleep." Dream then goes to his bedroom and closes the door. George ignores it and goes up to his room, only thinking about the date. After a lot of thinking about the date, he finally drifted to sleep.

~ Next day ~

George woke up early because he had school, again. He got ready and got dressed, still excited for the date. He went downstairs and there was already prepared food, as expected. He ate and went outside to go to school with Dream.

They both took the bus and George was imagining what to wear for the date the whole ride. They arrived shortly and George was full of joy while walking to his class. Class was boring, as always, but George wasn't even listening.

He was so excited about the date, he probably couldn't last a day without thinking about it. Time passed and class ended. He then walked to the library to do his shift. He was so caught up with the date, he couldn't focus.

" 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 ,, 𝙖 𝙙𝙣𝙛 𝙛𝙛 ☆Where stories live. Discover now