Part 13

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Kai's Point Of View

I looked at Lloyd face as it was sad and worried, I held the other ninjas hands as we entered the realm portal, "here goes nothing" I mumbled as we were transported to the realm of madness.

I opened my eyes slowly as I saw the dark sky, "guys...I think we're here" Jay said as we all let go of eachother hands. "Ya think" I said as I moved forward from the group and noticed the dark clouds floating in the sky. "It's so dark here" Cole said as we all nodded in agreement, "agreed, turning on power mode" Zane said as he lit up like a light bulb.

"Let's move forward, the faster the better" Nya said as we walked towards a large mountain, it's weird that everything is mostly black.

As we walked farther up the mountain, we heard talking around the area, and it scared the shit out of me. "Who's there" Jay asked as Zane turned off power mode, "I don't know, should we approach them?" Cole asked but then Zane answered Cole's risky question, "no, it could be a oni or any other bad enemy that could have the intention of killing us or turning us over to the overlord" and I couldn't agree more with his statement, the safest option is to avoid them.

"Alright, let's go to the right, there's more rocky area over there to hide through" I suggested as we walked towards the rocky area.

But then we all heard a huge thump, someone must have tripped over the spiky vines. I turned around and saw Jay on the ground, facing the dirt, "hurry, someone get him out" Nya said as me and Cole rushed to his side and started to pull out of the vines trap.

"Ugh...thanks" Jay mumbled as we dragged him back to the group "it's like the vines has a mind of their own" Cole said as I smirked, "nothing that we haven't faced before" I said as the group surrounded us. "I detect something coming our way" Zane said as we all stood up tall, "you think it's those guys from earlier?" Cole asked as I nodded, "I bet".

We started to run the opposite direction, but we were still able to hear them from where we were at, "Hide in there" I said as I pointed to a cave as we ran inside of it.

"You think they'll find us?" Jay asked and I shushed him right away, we don't need to get caught right now, especially in this moment. "" after a few minutes, we heard footsteps nearing the cave, "it's saying this direction..." a mysterious voice said as the second person answered "we must get it, it must be really advanced and could help us get home" the deep husky husky voice said as they walked closer towards us.

"Quickly! Behind the boulder" I whispered as we stood behind the giant rock, "behind the boulder, its there" the mysterious voice once again said, "alright" the husky one responded as he came behind the boulder, my eyes shot open as Jay said nervously "....hi..." very.....very...weakly.

Cole smashed the ground as it shook tremendously, but the guy didn't fall, I shot some fireballs at his direction as he avoided it easily. The other person revealed themself and it was a dark raven hair girl, her hair was up in a high ponytail as she held a strange device.

She ran up to Nya as she held a knife to her neck, "STOP! Unless you want your little friend here to die" she threatened as we all held our arms up high in the air "what do you want?" Nya asked as what seems to be a 30 year old man, went towards Zane, "this!" He held Zane by the arm as he tied him up. "Why though?" Jay asked as they glared daggers at him, "to get back home, duhh, and this piece of metal holds valuable technology that can help us do that".

Cole then placed his hands down as he shuffled towards Zane, "well you can't have him!" The man growled as he held Cole by the neck, "well we are!" He said as Cole punched him in the face as blood spat out of the man mouth, then Cole punched the ground once again as we all fell to our knees, Nya crawled towards the rest of us as Cole quickly held the man down.

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