Part 3

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As I walk into the stall, I saw something strange, I than opened the stall completely and frozen out of fear...what is this? As I screamed, it punched me in the face.

I also heard my friends screamed, and Bobby said, "MONSTER, AHHHHH", I heard him fall afterwords, and that 'thing' ran away, it than broke through the wall, and me, Bobby, and Bobo were all staring at the hole in the wall.

Master wus point of view

It's been a while since Lloyd went to the restroom, I asked Kai, "Hey Kai, can you go check on Lloyd, he hasn't been back for a while?". He nodded and than left afterwords

10 minutes later he came back running, plastered with a worried face, that could only mean trouble, I quickly held his shoulders , "what happened?", Nya asked, confused from his reaction. "Ll- Lloyd, he's gone, he's not in there, and a couple of teens said that there was a weird looking monster in there!" Kai stuttered, as he recollects himself from the news.

I than ran towards the restroom with the rest of the ninjas, as we saw a humongous hole in the wall. I can see one of the teens coming towards us. "Where did it go?", I asked, as I looked at the teens in the eyes, I could see fear and confusion.

"It ran straight through the wall, and ran up that building!", the teens points out, as he finally leaves with the rest of his friends.

3rd point of view

As the rest of the ninjas followed the same path as the 'monster' did. Master Wu stayed behind, progressing back to the Monastary.

The ninjas were in lookout for Lloyd and the 'monster'. "What if the 'monster' took Lloyd? OR EVEN WORSE, ATE HIM!", Jay screamed, as he whined at the thought of that happening. As they follow the way, they could see a warehouse, as they jump down the building they were currently on, they than carefully walked inside and could see a figure in the corner, it was scratching the wall. As it heard the creak from the door, it backed up until it's back was against the wall.

The ninjas got closer without warning, and they saw what exactly scared the teens so much. Zane frozen it in place, as Cole tried to hold it down. It tried its best to escape the ice and Coles grip, but there was no use, it couldn't. As Kai walks away from the scene towards Zane, Kai asked, "what about Lloyd, it should know where he is?", and Zane nodded at the question. Calculating every possibility.

He came up with 0 possibilities, and decided to report their findings to Master Wu. As he did, Cole carefully left the creator alone, still in place. But this only led it to break the glass, and to run off to the city.

It wondered around the city, as people screamed and run from feared, as it did nothing to cause a scene. The ninjas soon realized their mistake, and went back into the city, only to find folks running off the same direction, away from the danger.

Zane soon stopped one of them, "what has happened?", the scared man shivered from fear, and stuttered along with his response, "Th-there's a mo- m- monster running around t-the city!", he soon started to run off again, and Zane and the others went off to find this mischievous monster.

They soon found it again, and repeated the same steps they did when they were in the warehouse. Once trapped, the 'monster' was brought back to the Monastary. "What are we gonna do with the it?" Nya asked, as she walks side by side with Zane.

"That's what I'm gonna ask Master Wu", he responded back, as they went down the elevator. Once the doors opened, a bunch of ninjas went toward Master Wu and Pixal.

"Thank goodness, you brought him back!", Master Wu said, as he walks towards the creature. "Him?", Jay said, confused with what he just have said. "Yes, right here is Lloyd, and you must be wondering, 'how is this Lloyd?', well as you know..his father is Lord Garmadon, my brother, and he's full oni, and my father blood is dragon, this resulted in Lloyd being half-oni and half-dragon, and this is his oni form", as the others started to take in the new information in, a new question wondered in the air, "so Master Wu, what triggered his Oni form to appear?", Zane asked, and everyone else agreed with this question.

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