Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Today has been different... to say the least.

During flight lessons this morning, I was able to manipulate the air around Constance and me, creating a air shield around us. No wind pushed against me, it was as it we weren't even moving, besides the slight pushes rising us up and down with each flap of her wings.

Holding the shield the whole time was my goal. I held it too, stubbornly. My body aches now, every muscle and joint was screaming with each step I took. But I did it. I didn't care about the pain right now, I have to get used to using my magic so I don't get drained quickly.

Xander was in my head the whole time telling me to take a break. Of course I didn't listen. He simply shook his head with a smirk every time I had told him no.

"Always so stubborn." He had said.

We did draw attention to ourselves though. Constance and I. There was two other squads in the sky with us today, and we had them mesmerized. And Constance... Well, she put on a show.

Using the air to hold me to her, we did rolls and spins through the air.  My body staying seated on her back perfectly.

There was one person though that couldn't keep their eyes off me. Even after Xander made Constance stop our little show. All morning I had a feeling he was going to confront me at some point so this doesn't surprise me much.

"Hey." Cyrus matches my stride as we finish our last lap around the flight field.

I roll my eyes but decide humor him, "Hi."

"So you can control air?" He cuts right to it.

"Something like that." I shrug, kicking a pebble out of my way. I've been dreading talking to him. I knew once he saw me using my magic he would try to talk to me again.

"How are you?" He asks, his voice soft but hesitant. The wind around us picks up when I went to answer causing my hair to go flying across my face.

"Fine." I answer quickly, as I tie my hair up in a messy bun. I make a mental note to braid my hair next week so this stops happening. Even controlling the air doesn't stop it from throwing my hair in my face. Holding a shield around me at all times isn't possible right now.

Riding Constance with my hair down, the shield protecting me from the wind, I truly felt like a princess in that moment. Majestic even. While the wind messed everyone up, I sat on my dragon untouched. My long hair laying down my back.

"Please just talk to me." He basically begs, his voice almost breaking. I stop walking to look at him. His eyes scan mine, my face, and then my body. "I miss you." Hurt swirls in his eyes and for a moment I almost give in and tell him I missed being friends with him too, but my mood switches completely when I remember I could've been killed because of him.

"You threw our friendship away the second you-"

"Stop." He cuts me off, his voice having a hard edge that causes my body to tense up. "I just miss you. I miss us."

"Us..." I repeat with a scuff, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Yes." He steps closer to me and instinctively I step away. "I miss us. You can't tell me you don't." His eyes search mine, "Please." He says breathlessly. "Stop pushing me away."

My heart shatters. That's all I seem to be good at, pushing people away. My gaze falls to the ground. I focus on a rock in our path, anything to keep myself from looking up at him, "That's what I do best." I shrug as I starting to walk again.

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