Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

We were able to make it to the clearing without Xander and Octavia showing up. A little part of me wishes they did though.

He's been checking on me. My heart flutters at the thought. It's honestly so sweet that he takes the time to make sure I'm okay every night. I wish I could've been awake when he came by though.

Any normal person would think he was a creep, coming in my room at night while I was sleeping. But something in me liked it. The idea of Xander coming in my room every night fills my stomach with butterflies.

I've missed him these past three weeks. A lot more than I would like to admit. He took up all my thoughts, constantly. I hated it but also I didn't. I found myself daydreaming about him often. Only sparking my curiosity of what could've happened if I had been awake those times he came in to check on me.

"We have to be quick Felix, pretty sure someone's on our trail." Cyrus rushes out as we crossed the clearing, meeting his brother half way. I blink, being brought back to reality. We're here.

His brother stood around the same height as him, he looked like Cyrus just slightly older. He had the same messy hair and baby blue eyes. Stealing my breath away for a moment. Good looks definitely ran in the blood.

"I told you not to be seen." His brother- Felix sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. "Alright lay her down." He orders, kneeling down on the grass.

Cyrus leans down and places me on the cold grass in front of Felix. Cyrus sat down and lifted my head to rest on his lap.

Felix gave me a sympathetic smile. "I heard your rib is broken."

I nod and whisper, "Yeah." My body was bursting with nerves. I wasn't sure how everything was going to go down. Was it going to hurt?

"Okay, can you lift your shirt for me?" Felix asks me. I reach down, lifting my shirt and exposing the wrap that was tightly around me. "Do you think we could take this off?" He points to the wrap.

"Sure." I answer. I wasn't going to question him, I just wanted him to help me. I was so sick of being in pain constantly. I wanted to be able to go to training again. Train with Xander again.

Cyrus helps me sit up and gently lifts my hoodie over my head. I hold my breath as pain shot through out my side and around my chest.

"I'm sorry." Cyrus whispers softly. He lifts my shirt up that I had under my hoodie and grabs the end of the wrap, unwrapping it from around my body, being as gentle as he could. I kept my shirt covering me, so they don't end up seeing anything.

"Alright, lay down again." Felix spoke softly as Cyrus drops the wrap to the side of us on the grass.

I lay back, wincing and closing my eyes tightly as the pain intensified. Only a few more minutes. I repeat to myself over and over.

"Okay, I'm just going to lift your shirt up slightly." Felix tells me. I nod at him, letting him know it was okay. He reaches out and gently slid it up, stopping at my ribs, leaving me covered. I sigh, relieved neither of them just saw my boobs. I would never recover from that type of embarrassment.

"Right here?" Felix whispers to me before pushing down on my side, exactly where the pain was.

"Ow yes!" I hiss, moving my body away from his hand. Cyrus places his hands on my shoulders, giving me a soft squeeze. I let out a breath, laying flat again.

"I'm sorry." Felix apologizes softly, "Alright, just stay still." He placed his hands over my ribs, my body tensing when his hand touches my skin again.

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