Part 38: [i taste you]

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Wakatoshi was blushing hard. Wakatoshi really wanted to be somewhere else.

But then his lover said weakly:

- Did I just.... dream that?

This simple question, unexpectedly for him, made his heart sink. It was just more proof of just how inadequate as a husband he had been those last years. He bit his lips.

He shouldn't have.

But then...

OK, he had to man up! He had to own up to his decisions! Right? What was the worst thing that could happen??? Satori-kun was already upset! It was bad enough as it was!

- No. – he muttered quite unhappily. – I did say that. And I mean it.

But he was wrong. Satori-kun was definitely not upset. Satori-kun jumped on him, with such force and resolve that the swing creaked under their combined weight, almost getting capsized now, as both of them swung back, and then – quickly forward again.

It was like being in a boat.

The sea...

- You are lovely... - Satori murmured into Wakatoshi's pink-and-pinker ear. – I love the way you love me. I love the way you put so much effort in trying to love me better. No one else has done it before, and no one will. No one will ever have the right to.

Ushijima had forgotten how to breathe. The pale arms he loved so much turned out too strong, retaining, it seemed, a good amount of their previous strength still, and his Satori was hugging him terribly tight now, worse than last night (although Wakatoshi didn't think it was possible).

The words were breathed into his ear, into his neck, and this hot breath made him shudder. He overheard the sound of very distant thunder, high above them, but he chose to ignore it, because holding back, hugging back, embracing strongly now was as important as the air they sucked in, gasping, pressed together.

Tendō was sitting in his lap again, and he was pretty sure he was quite uncomfortable because of his long legs that couldn't possibly fold well in such a limited space, but the red-head didn't seem to mind. He was too focused on whispering, and then – he got too focused on kissing.

- I want to taste you.... you are my love and I want you... You are the most beautiful thing I have seen, you are my treasure, and I want to keep you safe... You don't even know how much I crave to make you happy... to make you smile... Wa-ka-to-shi-kun!!!

Light, quick kisses started raining all over him, placed on any spot Satori's lips could reach, indiscriminately, unconditionally. The taller man was just squeezing his lover's bruised body again, amazed, bearing it all, enjoying it all.

- Give me all your kisses, I wanna taste them... Because... who could be as sweet as you? No... no no no... Nobody is. Nobody can ever be!

Satori did not expect his replies; all his questions were really rhetorical. He was patiently kissing back, whenever a random kiss would land on his mouth, and his lover would always purr, louder and louder, his bony knees squeezing his hips, his hot tongue gliding into the warmth of their shared desire.

But his brain was ticking, he just couldn't turn it off. Was that it? Just a pet name? A couple of random syllables, spoken in a soft voice? Was this the answer? Could it possibly be so... simple?

He decided to test this theory too. Last time, his theory got proven correct within seconds.

He had to know. He wanted to prepare the perfect action plan for his marriage. So that his Satori-kun could be forever happy.

So, he tried. And it went a lot like this:

- Mmmmm...

- Satori-kun...

- Lovely... my love... So sweet...

- Honey... Satori...

- I love you... I love you more today!

- Sweetness... My sweet husband... mmm...

- Oh, god!!! Kiss me!!! Harder!!!

- Baby... My darling...

- OH, FUCK!!! Toshi-kun!!! FUCK!!!

- Mmmm... Sweetheart... So soft... so good...

- Dammit! If you keep talking like this... I swear... I'm gonna fuck you right here, right now!!!

- I love your kisses, baby... Give me one more...


- A kiss first... I love kissing you too, my darling... I want to taste you... again... I...

- FUUUCK!!! THAT'S IT!!!!!

They were moaning and grunting the words between kisses, and as soon as the first pet name fell off his lips, Wakatoshi immediately felt what he had felt the night before too – his lover started grinding himself over his crotch, getting them both aroused, and quickly. The kisses never stopped, moist and biting, and he was vaguely aware that what they were doing right now was immensely inappropriate, as they were outside, in the open.

It was quiet all around, apart from the occasional remote thunder, but as the breathless conversation advance, Tendō was getting louder and louder, and his strong arms undid their tight imprisonment, and now rather got to their new target – getting him rid of his clothes indeed.

He had felt extremely uncomfortable, talking like this. To him, it was almost as if he was talking dirty. But the theory was immediately proven again: Satori was trembling all over, his voice was loud, but breaking too, and his trembling fingers were aiming at getting him naked, so that they could start on some very real sex.

Of course, he had to stop that. They couldn't just... go on and do it, out here.

Rather, ignoring all the small licks, and small swift bites all over his mouth and ear, he tensed all his body, and got up, lifting his husband up in his arms too, a little worried this time at the sharp, lightning-like pain that surged through his injured leg. Satori wasn't heavy, but perhaps there had been a good reason why the doctors had forbidden him from any hard physical work or strain.

As soon as Satori was swept up in the sweet embrace, so much like a bride at her wedding, he started purring in pleasure. He enjoyed the way all of Wakatoshi-kun's face was burning badly, how his ears were bright red too, and how that blush was now crawling down his neck - he craved to lick all of it.

- Mmmm... Are you taking me to the bedroom? Let's go, Toshi-kun! To hell with barbecue and all! Let's fuck, my pretty Wakatoshi! Take me to bed! I want you! I need you!!!

- Hmmmmm.

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