Part 33: [i 🍓 you]

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- Well, fuck. – Tendō mumbled, stretching in bed, and getting ready for the evening preparations for dinner. – Those super expensive strawberries won't last till tomorrow... I need to cook them up tonight! How do you feel about some strawberry dessert tonight, honey? - he purred, getting out of bed, but not before pecking the pretty lips.

Wakatoshi considered the offer.

- I think it would be nice. – he grumbled.

- Perfect! I was thinking about preparing some banana bread, to have with some jam tomorrow for breakfast, but maybe I could just get up earlier tomorrow to bake that for ya! Haha! I ruined the surprise, didn't I???

Wakatoshi afforded a smile. The idea of his cat-like husband, getting up earlier than him in the morning, was honestly quite amusing. Yet, he just quipped:

- I am glad you enjoy cooking so much.

Tendō was putting his clothes on, but now turned around and blinked at him.

- Why???

- Well, I find it to be a nuisance. You put in hours of work, and the result disappears within seconds, too often. It's counterproductive, and illogical. Yet, necessary. – he grumbled on, now sitting up in the bed, and after wincing at some mild pain, he reached out and massaged his knee a little.

- And tasty! - Satori laughed now, adding a joke to the tirade, but his quick eyes did not miss those last movements, nor the wincing face.

He turned his back towards the bed, pretending to be searching some fresh clothes for his Toshi to wear, but he was biting his lips, and his brain was working full-speed.

- Hey? I was wondering. Do you have any ideas about that beach picnic next week? How are we gonna travel there, ummm? – he mumbled, half his body disappearing into the clothes closet.

Ushijima puffed, as a huge T-shirt was thrown in his face. But this did not distract him from noticing the sharp change in subject. He frowned now; there was always a good reason whenever this happened, he was just unable to see it right now. Satori was worrying about something, what could it be?

He tried to analyze the circumstances. The gardening activities, the lunch, that talk they had, the petting in the afternoon, the very short nap they took, the discussion about food and cooking. Hmmm. Nothing special here. Or rather... everything was special, if one chose to look at it from a different angle. 

- Hmmmmm.

- OK, I know you like to moo a lot... - Satori re-surfaced from his hide-out place, a little flushed, and broadly grinning now. - ... and I truly think you are fucking adorable when you do it... But, darling, this time I need an answer. I need to know how to pack the food.

A pair of very serious, very piercing eyes, which in no way matched the light-hearted words, were now digging into Ushijima's frame, and he was suddenly reminded of this gaze-slash-glare; Tendō used to use it on their opponents during volleyball games.

He smiled. This was familiar. But, he made a mental note, a new one, to think about this later. Maybe before going to sleep.

- I was thinking about bicycles. We can borrow some in the village, or maybe rent them out for the day? It's just half an hour away, I think anything more would be extravagant.

In most cases, in any other circumstances, Satori would have agreed with this with flamboyant enthusiasm. But, in just a split second, his eyes traveled to the knee-cap that had been so close to being completely busted, and when he looked back up into the open, sincere face, he immediately frowned, and scoffed:

- What?! No way!!! How do I transport ice-cream on a bike??? Have you lost your mind??? No! We get a car! Come on! I agree about borrowing, renting or whatever... Just make it a car! And what about my steaks??? In that hot weather?! What now??? Do I need a whole damn fridge in order to have a picnic now?! No! NOPE!!!

Wakatoshi blinked and then stood up and approached him. He most definitely had not expected that reaction. He was watching Tendō get redder in the face as he got closer, but he still did not know the reason why.

- We won't go if you don't want to. – he said quietly, reaching out to place his hands on the slim shoulders.

The red-head just shook his head furiously.

- I want to. I just want to cook good food for you. This is all.

They stared at each other for a good minute, and, both stubborn in very different ways, neither looked away, not yielding.

- Hmmmm.

This time, Satori did not know what that meant. Of course the food was the last care on his list. Of course, he could just prepare some vegetable salad, and bake cookies, and pack up some juice and wine, and fruit, and it would have been fine, his patient Toshi would not have minded. But his care ran deeper, because it was profoundly mixed with his love.

- Please? For me? – he begged quietly.

Ushijima noticed the fresh brightness in the perfect rubies, and just nodded. Every tear spilled meant ache for him.

- Do you want to tell me why? – his voice boomed over Satori's head, as he now grabbed him yet again, and hugged him.

He didn't need to elaborate, Satori understood.

- Please. For me. – he just murmured, thankful for being able to hide his face in the broad chest.

- Alright. I will think about this. I might need to call someone, or maybe we can check online for options, if we are unsuccessful in the village. – he agreed, thoughtful.

Tendō hugged his harder. Yes, this was love. There was no other definition. And it was sacrifice, in a way – Wakatoshi hated having to use the internet for small stuff, he only used it by necessity.

- I love you.- he whispered in the fresh T-shirt.

- Dinner.


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