Part 13: [i trust you]

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Naturally, Ushijima was blushing hard again, but he liked to think it was because of the noon heat. Today was a nice day, but far too warm for early April, and they both had their jackets on. Now Wakatoshi wished his hands weren't full so that he could just remain in his T-shirt.

But his loved one looked so happy that he ignored all else, and just murmured:

- Satori-kun...

On some days, it all seemed quite incredible. It felt as if he was living a parallel life, somebody else's life. A happy life.

He never regretted saying "Yes, I do.". Not even once.

He stood there, cheeks red, feet firmly rooted on the ground, and arms – full of aromatic fruits and seeds. Satori was shopping for flowers in bloom too, and now the bag that contained the apples suddenly got topped off with white lilac and pale pink tulips. The last bag ended up in Tendō's own hands, and it contained bulbs to be planted now, and in late fall, so that they could bloom next spring.

The chatty red-head was discussing the details with the seller, but Ushijima did not listen. He was rather thinking about his luck.

He had gotten the best of both worlds, somehow, and he could not father why and how. Just like a young girl, Satori's skin was pure and pale, his touch was gentle, his love was soft and pliable, his surrender was complete. He took care of Wakatoshi's every need, in every possible way; he was his constant support, the one who always cared and never pushed any conversation to the side, because of a whim or a bad mood. His mere words brought peace and solace to Ushijima, in an almost miraculous way. He was better than any possible wife he could have imagined.

And then again, he was strong, and very fit. Of course, the muscle mass from his volleyball training days was long gone now, but he was slender, and his limbs were still able to perform greatly. It wasn't seldom that Satori would join his husband for training sessions, take a jog with him in the park, or play off him in the backyard of their house, when Wakatoshi was too eager to practice his receives some extra. Tendō was almost never ill, and he was satisfied with the small things in life, unlike a capricious girl, who would expect a lot more from him.

And then, there was the sex. They usually made love slowly, too careful with each other, teasing each other a lot, but there still were moments when desire hit too hard, and their passion would grow so much that they would merge with force, too hungry for each other, devouring each other.

In a word, Tendō was the perfect choice, and oftentimes Ushijima pondered over the question: How come he himself had not noticed all this before, bearing in mind the strong bond that they'd always had?

- What are you thinking about? Is it me? Toshi-kun?

The sweet words pulled him out of his reverie and Wakatoshi blinked against the sun.

- Hmmm.

- Let's go home, love. I am quite ready! Thank you for being so patient with me today...

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Both could easily overhear loud whispering behind their backs, and they were leaving the place. One single word – "husband" – had been left to linger, and surely become the gossip of the small place for the next days to come. Yet, all the sellers today had bowed to them in gratitude for the purchases, and Tendō decided not to be upset about it. He was constantly watching his beloved Toshi, watching out for any change of mood, as today was such an important day, after all...

- Honey, I think I'll make some iced tea, as soon as we get home! It is surprisingly hot today, phewww...

- Hmmmmmm.

Ushijima was walking on, ignoring the sun, his arms full of stuff, and full of flowery fragrances. He was sure that the whole house was soon to be permeated by that same sweet smell. It was nice.

- Are you hungry? How's your leg, dear? Are you tired? We might take a nap in the afternoon!

Of course, he was too aware that now – as his hands were full, and Satori was more free to move – he was circling around him, like a mildly annoying mosquito, asking a million questions, and trying, yet again, to make their pacing slower.

It was yet another sign of love, and Ushijima appreciated it. He thought that... his husband most definitely deserved so much more!

As soon as the thought dawned on him, he stopped dead in his tracks.

- What is it? Are you OK, Toshi?

The worry in the not-as-cheerful-any-more voice broke his heart a little. So he spoke out directly:

- I meant to tell you something. Before we did the shopping. – he grumbled now, but Satori knew he wasn't angry. – But you stopped me. you keep stopping me with kisses all day long today, husband.

- Are you complaining now? – Tendō purred, a smirk on his face, as he stepped closer, curious.

- No, but I wanted to... tell you.

An awkward pause this time. Two searching eyes, and Ushijima's fresh blush.

- I'm here. I'm listening. I will always be here. And I will forever be listening. – the thinner man whispered, and now only the groceries' bags were standing in their way to hug.

Ushijima took a deep breath.

- I listened to what you said. And I agree. You are correct. But I really feel the need to do more for you. To be more. For you. I have been feeling so...

Tendō held his breath. His whole being focused on those next words. The world disappeared, just like whenever in the court there was an in-coming ball that was his to block. Everything disappeared. The universe was Wakatoshi's voice.

- It has been hard lately. I have been feeling so... useless. You have been taking care of everything, it was you who arranged the transport from Poland to the very house! I feel so helpless! Satori-kun! It's awful! I am of no help to you, and I can't even understand how... why... you have been so... great... with me. I should have been the one to take care of you! Not the other way around! And it's... it's killing me!!!

Tendō closed his eyes, and finally let go of all the stale air that had been filling up his lungs in the last minute. He sighed a sigh of relief. He had expected so much worse.

- Why???

Wakatoshi's voice was breaking. It had been so very rare that Satori had seen him so emotional!

He thought about it for a moment – should he make a joke? Be serious? Be sarcastic? What was the correct move here? The pretty face was distorted by doubt and shame, and he knew for sure that his husband's anguish, albeit about such an insignificant matter, was very, very real.

He decided to be just honest. He muttered:

- You scared me there, for a moment. Toshi-kun, I really thought that you were going to tell me that I've been way too much for you, and you don't want me any more...

- WHAT?!? – Ushijima barked now, so thunderstruck that his grip on his frail cargo tightened and they both heard some unknown fruit make a popping sound and probably crack open.      


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