Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Grian entered the code and accidentally startled X who was deep in thought.

"Sorry Suma"

"It's alright. What are you doing in here?"

"Cleo said they had something important to talk to you about? But didn't know you were in the code"

"I'm almost finished with this, I'll go see them as soon as I am"

"Alrighty. Yeah that's pretty much it, I'll see you later."

"Hey Gri?"


"Thank you. For well you know"

"You would've done the same for me. I mean you did do the same for me. You saved me so I saved you"

"You've saved me on multiple other occasions"

"I don't know what you're talking about. It just wasn't the same severity as how I ended up on your server in first place"

"Alright. If you say so. How's your friend?"

"He went home. And he was welcomed there. He's fine, he'll be fine. I have to admit it feels weird to see him again after everything, I've lost him so many times. I don't know if I can do it another"

"Here's to hoping you won't have to. Ever again. Enjoy the rest of the day"

"You too. Don't be overworking yourself" Grian left the code to let Xisuma finish what he was doing.

Grian: He'll be done doing whatever he's doing soon apparently.
Grian: As soon as he's done he'll come see you. K Cleo?
ZombieCleo: thanks Grian!

Grian flew into Mumbo's mega base vault. He used the glass on the roof to break in instead of using the door. He didn't want to break the door before the very end of the season
He rummaged through a few chests, starting with Mumbo's redstone ones then moved onto his iron and different kinds of stones chest.

He eventually found enough parts to start this new project. He carried everything back to the cave. Then he had to find the blueprints for Robot Grian. Took a while rummaging through all those chests and barrels and shulkers and basically anything that held storage or items

+Let's Say It's Been Like 3 Hours+

Grian managed to build the shell of this new robot creation in just a few hours. The coding, the wires and the moving of the Grumbot AI will take a bit more time and a bit of help hopefully from Mumbo or Tango or maybe even Doc, he seems to know a thing or two about temporarily breaking AI.

Grian decided to take a break from that and talk to Grumbot like he said he was going to.
Grian wrote on a piece of paper using the anvil and then inserted it into the right chest. A few beeps and wiggles in and out of his mustache later, Grumbot Prime spat out his response.

'Hey Grumbot, How Have You Been?'


'Sorry Bud, It's The End Of The Season Pretty Soon'


"Wait again..what happened in his world.. nevermind I'll think about it another time"

'I Didn't Intend To Do That'


'I Was Wondering If You'd Want To Come With Me To Season 10?'


'Would You Maybe Let Me Put Your Programming Into A New Robot That I Have Started To Build'

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