Chapter Thirty-Two

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+With X+

"Okay Doc isn't in any of his bases. Or with Ren. Or with Bdubs. So where could he be...?" X spoke to himself.

"There. Good as new." He heard a familiar voice saw. In fact it belonged to the very person he was looking for. He was by the shopping district portal, outside Ren's small Giga-Pies stall.

"Thank you so much Doc. I really really appreciate it. It no longer hurts to move it around"

"That's good to hear. Now. I want to know the real reason you didn't fix it yourself. You're definitely capable."

"No I'm not. I don't understand that kind of stuff"

"Kid you knew exactly what I was doing, you knew exactly how I was going to do it. Your not in trouble, your safe here."

Tubbo sighed. "Promise me you won't tell a single soul?"

Doc secretly crossed his fingers. He tender up but luckily Tubbo hadn't noticed. His eye was still glitching on him. He hasn't gotten a chance to fix it. Every time it glitched he tried not to move too much to keep Tubbo's suspicion and worry low.

"I promise. 'Goats Honour'..."

"Dream locked our hybrid code when we first joined the server so it wouldn't cause any issues. Some players he forgot to do because they joined late or he planned to team up with them. but yeah."

Xisuma accidentally overheard their conversation. Luckily it wasn't anything he didn't already know so hopefully they can't get too mad if they ever found out he overheard it.
He landed in front of Doc and Tubbo.

"Hey Mr Suma."

"Hello again Tubbo."

"You remember my name...?"

"Of course. It is apart of my job. Why wouldn't I remember your name"

"Rare sight I guess" Tubbo scratched the back of his neck.

"You could've just lied and said nothing if you were uncomfortable answering him you know?" Doc suggested.

"But- umm nevermind"

"You can tell me if your uncomfortable answering something or uncomfortable with anything at all"

"Thanks for that, speaking of questions, I had some of my own. For you Mr Suma. Would you mind if I asked them now?"

"Could you wait a few minutes. I need to quickly talk to Doc about something otherwise I don't think my brother will talk to me ever again"


"Let's walk and talk X" Doc gestured for them to walk in one direction with his head. X nodded. Tubbo watched as they walked away talking.

"I'm assuming you know I was asking earlier about you know"

"My family name. I do. Not many hermits actually know why I don't like it or being referred to it."

"I'm sorry about that X."

"You don't know so I'm not holding it against you or anything, I'm only here to inform you so it doesn't happen again."

"Are you sure this is something you want to talk about?"

"I might as well. Plus I wasn't lying about EX."

"Explain away I suppose then"

"As you know I'm a Void Walker. We aren't from the End Dimension, we are actually from a whole planet outside of the solar system"

"But the end is still suitable enough air right?"

"Correct. The air in the end is pure enough to breathe without all this gear on. Anyway, we ran away from our planet with our fathers knowledge"

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