Chapter Seven

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(found on Pinterest I don't know who owns it)
(Sorry if this chapter is a little scattered)

Dream SMP POV.

Tommy Techno Phil Tubbo Sam Sapnap and Ranboo were outside exploring more of Scarland when it started raining. Techno turned his head when he heard a dying enderman sound. Phil expanded his wings and covered Ranboo from the rain.

"Thanks Phil"

Tommy smirked at them, he still doesn't particularly like Ranboo because he stole Tubbo from him but he tolerates him when people are around. He was still in the learning phase of accepting them as a friend.

"Woah look at that thing, it looks so powerful" Tommy noticed the warden at the window as they were walking by it's building.

"Woah, I thought they were joking when they said there was a warden here" Sapnap said.

"I knowww it's so coool looking" Tubbo awed, staring directly at it.

"Why isn't it noticing us though" Phil questioned

"Must be a sound machine next to it to keep its attention off of anyone who's near it" Sam explained.

Rockets could be heard off in the distance. It was Xisuma and Grian, X was hoping they were settled in enough to get their names since very few dream smpers are talking in chat. Grian was there to see the SBI again since he's now okay and not in shock but then he noticed Phil's wing looked like it was missing feathers..His bird instincts kicked in and he started circling the group below.

"Heyo Suma" Tubbo shouted to him, waving his arms above his head. Suma stopped mid air and started to dive. Grian did the same. They didn't notice Grian yet.

"Hello, you are Tubbo Correct?"

"That's me!"

"Did you need something Mr Admin" Sapnap wearily and angrily asked. Sam patted his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

"It's okay, X is one of the good ones." Sam whispered.

Sapnap scoffed and rolled his eyes not believing that there were any good ones left.

"I hope you've all settled in alright"

"Yep" Tommy said smiling for the first time in a very long time.

Techno and Sapnap saw someone or something circling above them, they moved to the front of the the others, not trusting it or the admin.
"Hey Suma"

"Yes Tubbo"

"Whose circling above us"

X looked up to see who it was, but he was too high up to be able to tell. X took out his spyglass and looked through it and finally saw who it was. It was Grian. He was circling above because his bird instincts kicked in again, he saw something that wasn't good so now he's basically in protective mode.

"Hey Uncle Gr-" Tommy was about to shout but X ran up to him and out his hand over his mouth. He knew he recognised Grian's flying patterns.

Sapnap took out a sword and held it against Xisumas neck. X dropped his hand and backed up a tiny bit. Doc was flying over, from his starter house back to the perimeter. He was emptying his inventory. He saw the situation and dived down landing in front of X and held his hand in front of his face, creating a small explosion ready to ignite it in his face, Doc let out a small growl, and smoke came from his mouth.

Cub also happened to be flying over the situation at Scarland. He looked down and noticed X was trying to calm down Doc and a visitor and then back up at the sky so he wouldn't crash to see Grian's bird instincts were activated.

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